Okay, so I just bought a new wireless router for my grandparents because their wireless network got fried. First, setting it up was a byotch, and then when it was set for 108 MB auto... I was constantly disconnected. So I decided to set it to 802.11b/g...54 MBps right, okay, so I get disconnected maybe once or twice a day...yesterday, my step-grandfather calls the NetGear company and gives the same shpeill they always give. Oh well you just need to shut it down...and then restart it, you also need to restart your machine blah blah blah...this is getting ****ing annoying.
Upon the fact that I utterly deplore NetGear now...D-Link has much better customer support...and they don't tell you as much garbage, they all tell you the same ****...just not as much. NetGear is completely incompatible with my D-Link. If I wasn't raised solely by my mother and wasn't a compulsive shopper, I'd be literally ****.
But as it stands, I am...and I bought a Linksys Wireless G Notebook Adapter with SpeedBooster...above the fact that the guy said that it was 108 MBps...which it isn't by the way...And guess where I bought it? CompUSA...I can't really talk that much **** about CompUSA they said that if something happened to my iPod that all I would have to do is bring it in and they would give me a free replacement.
Is there an alternative to Compussy, though? When I used the D-Link GWL -G630 I think is the model...I know that it's DWL and that it's 630...the wireless network will not even be detected. Yet, with my Linksys Wireless G-Notebook Adapter, it does. I have to take it out and reconnect every so often though.
This is getting totally ridiculous. I really am getting frustrated at Netgear. And of course, the guy advertising the wireless router said something along the lines of: "This router right here, the Netgear 108 Mbps Wireless Firewall Router is the best out on the market!"
Best out on the market would be any linksys router. ****, with my ole' crappy D-Link DWL -G630 I could pick up the wireless network from across the ****ing street!
These ********...Netgear and CompUSA are both *********!!!!!! And the following is a long growl UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Okay, I feel better...CompUSA better stay away...I'm loaded up on way to much caffeine, by eyes are feeling weird, I have blood sugar spikes for no apparent reason...
I don't know what kind of Linksys wireless router it was...but I would pretty much count on a G seeing as I accessed, downloaded, etc. Perfectly fine without any disruptions.
Netgear can kiss my ***. I'd use Belkin and Linksys before I'd ever use Netgear again.