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macrumors 604
Original poster
Aug 28, 2007
San Francisco California, USA
I was the envy of all those that are afraid of JB on their iPhone. As soon as I hooked up my iPhone everyone was asking how I did the lockscreen background lock w/weather. I explained the JB and how it took a few minutes, and 3rd party apps were the hit of this party. Only 1-2 persons mentioned that they wanted to keep their iPhone un-JB, then I showed them the Cycorder, iLocalis (find your iPhone 24/7 app), the Raiders dial screen and the 49er's theme and they fell in love...:p
+1 Yup, those people were in awe that the iPhone could take video/audio. I felt that my iPhone wasn't getting the charge it so badly needed, b/c they kept wanting to see some of those JB apps in action...:p
Name one thing thats bad about jailbreaking an iPhone? It's like offering someone $100,000,000 and there's no catch at all :D

JB for life! (Or until it's not needed and apple adopt it)
Name one thing thats bad about jailbreaking an iPhone? It's like offering someone $100,000,000 and there's no catch at all :D

JB for life! (Or until it's not needed and apple adopt it)

Terrible battery life because of additional processes running in the background.

I never used the jailbreak for me except for hackitvation and a few other programs so I haven't done it since I got my iPhone replaced.
Terrible battery life because of additional processes running in the background.

I never used the jailbreak for me except for hackitvation and a few other programs so I haven't done it since I got my iPhone replaced.

That's not true. My iPhone is jailbroken and I have great battery life. I don't have any extra programs running in the background.
jailbreaking was just what every iphone needed but it was buggy though :/ but one thing the iphone should have is themes??? why in the world cant it have themes? :/
That's not true. My iPhone is jailbroken and I have great battery life. I don't have any extra programs running in the background.

While you may have great battery life, you DO have extra processes running in the background. :)

Battery life is VERY subjective.
The battery life on an iPhone is craptacular whether it's jb or not. For some reason, I can't get more than 2 days on a single charge (that's both before and after the jb).
Name one thing thats bad about jailbreaking an iPhone? It's like offering someone $100,000,000 and there's no catch at all :D

JB for life! (Or until it's not needed and apple adopt it)

If someone already has 10billion in their bank account and will have no use for the 100Mill and probably wont even notice it or see it.

I guess my point is not everyone has a need for it, i had my phone JB but never really used anything, got bored really quickly, and my phone crashed a few times, plus my battery life was shorter. the regular iphone does everything i need it to do so JB is not necessary for me. so really its not a must have for everyone. And those who dont do it are not idiots that are missing out, they are just satisfied with their iphone as is.
JB is great. It's worth the little, tiny bit of lag I experience. But, as was previously stated, apple needs to come around on this and give us some of the features that are gained by JB. If the iPhone came with a video recorder, a way to theme, and a way to download files from safari, I wouldn't JB, and I bet a lot of other people wouldn't either....
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