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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
Does anyone know if the white macbooks are still having any problems? I wanted to pick one up soon and I remember hearing that they were having issues with staining. Does anyone know what issues the macbooks are having? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
I don't think it was thaaaat big of a problem. Just heard a bit about it and don't think I've heard much lately. My sister has one of the originals and has yet to have a problem. I'd say the chances are so minute of you getting one that "stains" that you have nothing to worry about.
The main Macbook problems are:

-random shutdown

Discoloration has been solved by using a different material. Random shutdown is being solved by replacing the logic board. The fuss about a small percentage of Macbooks having these problems has made it seem, to a newcomer, that a large percentage of Macbooks are faulty. This is not the case, don't be fooled.
They shouldn't have the problem anymore, like others have said. If it does - Apple has acknowledged the problem and should replace it.
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