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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 17, 2011
I realize this is a bit of a long shot...

I've got a 2009 iMac running El Capitan that now gets stuck on boot on a white screen. It was running fine recently, and nothing new was added to the machine (hardware or software). The machine _does_ boot ok in Safe Mode.

Things I've tried:

- OSRecovery and Disk Util, repaired disk, no change
- Running DiskWarrior on the disk, appears fine
- Reset SMC, no joy
- Reset PRAM/NVRAM, no joy
- Re-install El Capitan from bootable USB -- this gets as far as copying the files over, re-booting, at which point I'm stuck on the white screen again (I've let it sit on this for several hours, just to be sure).

The only other clues I have are:

- EtreCheck run in Safe Mode gives me just this error: "[failed] (Apple - installed 2018-06-29)"
- Checking for errors in Console (again in Safe Mode), shows just a WindowServer + Watchdog failure (excerpt below)

Date/Time: 2018-11-16 08:47:27 -0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.11.6 (Build 15G31)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 22

Command: WindowServer

Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/WindowServer

Version: ??? (???)
Parent: launchd [1]
PID: 144

Event: service progress watchdog
Duration: 1.00s
Steps: 10 (100ms sampling interval)

Hardware model: iMac11,1
Active cpus: 4

Fan speed: 1000 rpm


Heaviest stack for the main thread of the target process:

10 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x10cefa5ad]
10 ??? (WindowServer + 3966) [0x109ce0f7e]
10 CGXServer + 4075 (CoreGraphics + 2677555) [0x109f73b33]
10 CGXCreateSystemWindows + 18 (CoreGraphics + 1555290) [0x109e61b5a]
10 CGXUpdateBackgroundWindows + 2536 (CoreGraphics + 1558340) [0x109e62744]
10 cinematic_boot_update_windows + 1251 (CoreGraphics + 3643133) [0x10a05f6fd]
10 MPHWWait + 53 (CoreGraphics + 5261920) [0x10a1eaa60]
10 IOAccelWriteLockSurfaceWithOptions + 76 (IOKit + 69686) [0x10b0df036]
10 IOConnectCallMethod + 342 (IOKit + 24880) [0x10b0d4130]
10 io_connect_method + 384 (IOKit + 416801) [0x10b133c21]
10 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x10d0cff72]
*10 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018694) [0xffffff80003ecd86]
*10 mach_call_munger64 + 410 (kernel + 1806026) [0xffffff80003b8eca]
*10 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 197 (kernel + 861861) [0xffffff80002d26a5]
*10 ipc_kmsg_send + 184 (kernel + 796920) [0xffffff80002c28f8]
*10 ipc_kobject_server + 259 (kernel + 914115) [0xffffff80002df2c3]
*10 ??? (kernel + 1671056) [0xffffff8000397f90]
*10 is_io_connect_method + 487 (kernel + 7208663) [0xffffff80008dfed7]
*10 IOUserClient::externalMethod(unsigned int, IOExternalMethodArguments*, IOExternalMethodDispatch*, OSObject*, void*) + 816 (kernel + 7220816) [0xffffff80008e2e50]
*10 shim_io_connect_method_scalarI_structureO + 278 (kernel + 7214470) [0xffffff80008e1586]
*10 IOATIR600Surface::surface_lock_options(eLockType, unsigned int, IOAccelSurfaceInformation*, unsigned long long) + 1855 (ATIRadeonX2000 + 94999) [0xffffff7f81d68317]
*10 ATIRadeonX2000::waitForTimeStamp(unsigned int) + 59 (ATIRadeonX2000 + 145507) [0xffffff7f81d74863]
*10 ATIRadeonX2000HWChannel::waitForTimestamp(unsigned int, unsigned long long*, bool) + 203 (ATIRadeonX2000 + 388369) [0xffffff7f81dafd11]
*10 ATIRadeonX2000HWChannel::timeStampEnableInterruptAndSleep(unsigned int) + 406 (ATIRadeonX2000 + 390226) [0xffffff7f81db0452]
*10 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f]
*10 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c]
*10 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc]

I've searched around and I seem to be out of options, but I'd greatly appreciate any recommendations. My gut says there's a GPU problem, but if so, why does Safe Mode work fine? Thanks for any advice.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 17, 2011
in case anyone else runs into this same exact problem, I was able to at least get things limping along by moving the ATI video driver kext by doing the following:

- Disable new system integrity protection via booting OSRecovery (cmd+R) selecting Utilities -> Terminal, and typing "csrutil disable"

- Reboot into safe mode and do: sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeonX2000.kext ~/ (or any other location of your choosing -- note there were several other ATIRadeonX2000.plugin/bundle files that I left alone)

- Reboot into normal mode

This is pretty hacky and not good practice, but I was able to use my iMac in normal mode for basic tasks while I plan for taking it in for repair.
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