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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 22, 2017
Recently swapped the keyboard on my 2009 MBP 15" 3.06ghz (and changed the thermal paste). After reassembling it it decided to boot into a white screen of death (WSOD). The start-up chime is there, and the superdrive makes the boot up noise. Fan speed goes right up to 100% the moment i press the powerbutton, and the macbook turns completly unresponsive.

I've tried booting with some of the cables and the HDD detached etc. Its worth noting i managed to tear the trackpad ribbon cable and i've hard that it might cause problems, but not this severe. I've got one ordered, but i doubt it will make it will make the macbook work again.

Advice on what to try?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 22, 2017
Would kinda make sence i guess. But it would have to be the intigrated 9400m GPU thats died right? I guess thats what it boots with. My 9600m was acting wierd under load (screen artifacts from every now and then), but if thats dies then the mac should boot anyway right?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 22, 2017
Lol, changing the defective cable totally fixed it! Hope anyone in a similar situation finds this.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2008
Lol, changing the defective cable totally fixed it! Hope anyone in a similar situation finds this.
Very good fix, and congratulations. If the computer is working without the same problem (high fan speed, for example), and all of the sudden after replacing a device such as keyboard, hard drive, and so on, the problem starts- I would suspect the component that has been replaced as being the reason for the problem, or a cable or other connection.
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