First time post, long time observer.
Want to begin by thanking everyone for the great info available on this site. Some of y'all are frick'n super techs. Have a hard time understanding some of the details.
With that said, my first question/assistance: I need is help with upgrading my 2008 MP. I went through the forum and could not find a vendor or recommended vendor list. Maybe this is tied to the "For Sale" section, which I do not currently have access to (yes, I read and understand the prerequisites).
In short, I'm not interested in doing any of the work myself. I want to turn it over to an established professional who will provide recommendations and provide a quote for options. It has no problems and runs perfectly.
I've found a few sites on-line, but I would like to get recommendations (or de-recommendations) from forum members. I hope listing business names does not violate forum rules. If they do, then maybe it would be acceptable to shoot me a message.
I only want to upgrade the MP to have as a 2nd computer. I'm just waiting for the new MP. As soon as it's available, I'm all over it.
Thank you.
Want to begin by thanking everyone for the great info available on this site. Some of y'all are frick'n super techs. Have a hard time understanding some of the details.
With that said, my first question/assistance: I need is help with upgrading my 2008 MP. I went through the forum and could not find a vendor or recommended vendor list. Maybe this is tied to the "For Sale" section, which I do not currently have access to (yes, I read and understand the prerequisites).
In short, I'm not interested in doing any of the work myself. I want to turn it over to an established professional who will provide recommendations and provide a quote for options. It has no problems and runs perfectly.
I've found a few sites on-line, but I would like to get recommendations (or de-recommendations) from forum members. I hope listing business names does not violate forum rules. If they do, then maybe it would be acceptable to shoot me a message.
I only want to upgrade the MP to have as a 2nd computer. I'm just waiting for the new MP. As soon as it's available, I'm all over it.
Thank you.