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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 26, 2010
just a thought since there's so much threads about bad imac i7's.... who has been lucky and actually has a perfect working (no yellow tint, no loud HD, etc) imac 27 i7?
I took delivery of my one and only week 47 iMac in November. It has no issues whatsoever. There is no yellow tinge. The screen is beautiful. There is no flickering on the display and no loud HD.

I haven't even run the 27-inch iMac firmware update yet since I had no issues to fix and I'm afraid it might introduce some.

As bad as things sound by the many reports of problems I still have to say that I don't think it is at the point yet where one is lucky to get a good one but rather unlucky to get a bad one.
I took delivery of my one and only week 47 iMac in November. It has no issues whatsoever. There is no yellow tinge. The screen is beautiful. There is no flickering on the display and no loud HD.

I haven't even run the 27-inch iMac firmware update yet since I had no issues to fix and I'm afraid it might introduce some.

As bad as things sound by the many reports of problems I still have to say that I don't think it is at the point yet where one is lucky to get a good one but rather unlucky to get a bad one.


No trouble here so far with my week 2 i7. Had it for 2 weeks today. :)
I've seen 2 now, brother in law has a week 46 from early Dec, co worker purcahsed one for xmas, week 50. Both i7 zero issues. My 3rd swap for an i5 ended up being a good one.

First two had the yellow tint issue, no other problems.
Almost 10 days and no problems, only large pink pixels appearing for like a second but only with windows. When I run OSX it's perfect, but with VMware fusion it runs perfect to. I'd run it with VMware if only the bar on the top could be removed...
Me. If there's any yellow tinge it's beyond what I can reliably see: there might be some or I might be imagining it. One of the early ones, a couple of weeks into the production run.
hmm - good to know some people have perfect imacs.

what's up with all these 'weekxx' things you've been mentioning? what's that all about?
what does a week50 imac mean?
This is my first, I7. It seems nearly, perfect. I thought there was a yellow tinge but it may have just been my imagination. I don't see the tinge anymore unless it's that light. Other then that, to me this is perfect.
My very first i7 is perfect in every way. I bought it sight unseen on eBay (before I heard of all the issues). My parents brought it halfway across the globe from Chicago to Bangkok as checked-in luggage, then I lugged it from Bangkok to Tokyo.

It's a week 47. Super quiet Western Digital 1TB drive.
My i7 is perfect with 2 tb seagate drive (typical reading noise, not loud). Screen even by my picky standard is perfect.. Great for HD movies ripped off external Blu-drive.

If you are in a quiet room and encoding HD content on Handbrake, you can hear the fan rev-up. Top of the computer gets too hot to touch. But it has never crashed.

The best desktop I have ever owned....
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