Woah there buddy. How'd you manage that?
1. Assuming you already have Winterboard installed, Launch Cydia.
2. Tap Sections, then tap Themes (Apps).
3. Download the custom dialer(s) you want (in my case Iron Man 2 Dialer).
4. Close Cydia, then launch Winterboard.
5. Navigate to your newly-downloaded dialer, tap to activate.
6. Quit Winterboard; iPhone will automatically re-spring.
7. Enjoy!
Retro Dialer is cool until you actually use it to dial a number...
(it looks much darker than in this JPEG for some reason)
The dialed numbers are very difficult to read - especially when driving
(which is why I got rid of it). Otherwise a very nice dialer, indeed.
Maybe you should check your version. When i installed mine a couple months ago the version i had used a darker background for the number display. White is easier to see with a dark background. Never had a problem with mine.
^ I took that background .png from the retrodialer package, darkened it in Photoshop and resent it to the phone. The white text shows up much better.