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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 24, 2008
when the first 2G iphone came out? Who invented it?

who was the first to jailbrake the phone? How long did it take?
The first, or one of the first jailbreaks was done by simply visiting a site on your iPhone. I believe it was called jailbreakmyphone or something like that.
The first, or one of the first jailbreaks was done by simply visiting a site on your iPhone. I believe it was called jailbreakmyphone or something like that.

you visited it a website and it jailbroke your phone? Thats insane!
The first unlock was a hardware unlock. But you could jailbreak 1.0-1.0.2 with appsnap installer off your computer. In 1.1.1 there was a security hole on the firmware that the people used in
I remember last year for Christmas, opening my iPod and immediately visiting for 1.1.1.

Good times.
I remember Jailbreaking to 1.1.1 and Wow was I freakin nervous! was only a small part, you needed to type commands in terminal and i was so nervous about screwing up the phone!
I remember Jailbreaking to 1.1.1 and Wow was I freakin nervous! was only a small part, you needed to type commands in terminal and i was so nervous about screwing up the phone!

Excuse me? There were no Terminal commands for the 1.1.1 jailbreak. You simply visited, Safari crashed, files were downloaded, your iPhone's Springboard restarted, and there was No Terminal commands. I don't know where you're getting that from.
i wanna say it was the apptapp installer/jailbreak package for 1.0.2 that was the first. I think..
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