Got 64gb myself.
And while i dont know if u do this, but i never quite understood the idea of people loading a bunch of movies/tvshows on the ipad. I mean, ur probably charging/syncing each day, so i leave that stuff out (allthough i have UP in HD allways on my ipad to showcase the device)
Also with apps like netflix/Abc and network streaming i find it hard to justify why i should need videos on there (if im not going on vacation that is).
If i fill up my ipad, then i got 25gb left.
15gb movies (thats 13 movies in dvd quality) and 1 in hd.
15gb tvshows (1 season each of family guy, american dad, the office, big bang theory and the simpsons)
21 albums, and some pictures.
8 audiobooks and 16 ebooks
And thats if i load everything i need.