iWorks is installed on my every apple device and I wonder whats the advantage of it over MS Office? Office is the industry standard and why I use it, but are there any advantages of iWork's? I do not use presentations but use Word & Excel a bit.
iWorks is installed on my every apple device and I wonder whats the advantage of it over MS Office? Office is the industry standard and why I use it, but are there any advantages of iWork's? I do not use presentations but use Word & Excel a bit.
- Collaboration is quite simple.
- Documents can be accessed from any device with internet access. You could even use your friends Android to login to iCloud and print a document locally, if you really hated trees.
- Cost = Free on all iDevices
- Multiplatform - create document on a Mac, edit on an iPad, print the same document from a WindowsPC
I am basically running a business on iWork right now. Office for Mac is bloated and between OneDrive syncing issues and Outlook hanging up, I decided to try and simplify my life.
So far so good, but there are definitely issues with Numbers. I still have to resort to Excel for those tasks, which is okay because Excel is by far my favorite of the Microsoft suite. Day to day spreadsheets work fine with Numbers. Pages is excellent and Keynote is my go to for presentations.
One difference I noticed right away after switching for Outlook to Mail again is the improved battery life on my laptop. It made a noticeable difference. There are aspects of Outlook that I miss, but the integration of Mail is excellent.
As with everything in life, there are trade offs.
Very true.However its not the industry standard like MS Office is.
Not sure what your definition of many would be, but I could give you my scenario. I work for a company that has 30,000+ Windows machines around me. I do everything in Pages and Numbers and send PDF of completed projects. If I need to collaborate, I send the link. Windows users can work right along with me, online.But are there many office environments using iWorks?
Seems to be true everywhere, but should not change anything for you. Some people drive to work in a Porsche, some ride a bike. They all get to work, just the same. The end result is what is important, not the path or tool to get there.I am looking for a job right now and everyone is using Windows and MS Office.
Although MS Office is indeed the "industry standard", an overwhelming majority of the people I interact with who use MS Office do not use anything beyond the basic functions that are available in iWork and Google Docs.It has those advantages for sure. However its not the industry standard like MS Office is. But are there many office environments using iWorks? I am looking for a job right now and everyone is using Windows and MS Office.
Although MS Office is indeed the "industry standard", an overwhelming majority of the people I interact with who use MS Office do not use anything beyond the basic functions that are available in iWork and Google Docs.
For a variety of reasons, I prefer to use iWork '09 and the latest version of iWork. I have MS Office and use that at work and when required for specific home tasks. But even then, I try to steer folks towards using Google Docs because of the collaboration capabilities.
In the end, it is more important to understand the underlying concepts involved in creating documents and working with spreadsheets rather than the specific "do it" button automations available with MS Office.
It depends upon the situation. For cross-platform collaboration, for being able to walk up to any computer log in to google and access and edit documents, for more features that can be expanded by extensions, it would be Google Docs.Whats better? iWork's or Google Docs?
It depends upon the situation. For cross-platform collaboration, for being able to walk up to any computer log in to google and access and edit documents, for more features that can be expanded by extensions, it would be Google Docs.
I regularly work on short documents that have advanced formatting. It is the easiest to create and work on these docs in Pages. Easier than MS Word, LibeOffice Writer, Google Docs, etc. I can recreate these docs on all of those other tools but they all bring with them annoyances.
But my day job involves heavy use of MS Office and Google services. I encourage my co-workers to shift from Office to Google Docs by modeling it myself. When they see how flexible and capable Google Suite they become converts.
If one is leveraging the Apple ecosystem (phone, tablet, computer), it would be beneficial to thoroughly give iWorks a try before defaulting to MS Office or something else. It's not perfect, but depending upon one's needs, it could be best tool for the job.
... They rarely update iWork with new features because on the ladder of importance at Apple, it's near the bottom rung of a long, long ladder. Whatever their focus right now, it isn't productivity, and that's certainly not the same situation with MS and Office...
Updates are at a glacier’s pace. Even after all these years, when Apple brought back linked text boxes, it is only a rudimentary level of support. All linked boxed must be on the same page. Better than nothing, but not what once was.I’ll disagree on this point. This past year or so Apple has brought a number of new features to iWork such as collaboration and use of iCloud. Keynote gained several new features. They also have brought back long missing features such linked text boxes in Pages. After several years of relative quiet Apple has stepped up support for iWork.
iWorks is installed on my every apple device and I wonder whats the advantage of it over MS Office? Office is the industry standard and why I use it, but are there any advantages of iWork's? I do not use presentations but use Word & Excel a bit.
iWork is free with your Apple Product. For personal writing, spread sheeting, or presentations, the product is fine. I would rather use that than pay MS $80 - $90 per year.
In the enterprise world and for large inventory spreadsheets, medical and financial MS Excel is the standard.
I agree, but in that case I use my company supplied laptop. For personal use, iWork is totally fine.