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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 17, 2006
I want practice for any sort of design. If anyone needs something done I'll do it. Just post with the kind of work and details. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
I would like you to do all my work for me for the following year... probably about 200+ jobs ranging from 60pg+ publications in 2 and 4 colours, to a whole swathe of marketing materials ranging from flyers to promotional items, including branding and campaigns work.

In the meantime, I shall collect my salary, loaf around the house and have long liquid lunches with friends.

Deal? ;)
I would like you to do all my work for me for the following year... probably about 200+ jobs ranging from 60pg+ publications in 2 and 4 colours, to a whole swathe of marketing materials ranging from flyers to promotional items, including branding and campaigns work.

In the meantime, I shall collect my salary, loaf around the house and have long liquid lunches with friends.

Deal? ;)

Thanks soo much. That was totally necessary. (/Sarcasm)
I don't suppose this includes... website design, does it? 'Cause I'm completely failing at learning to use Flash, and if someone else did my page FOR me... that'd be awesome.
Thanks soo much. That was totally necessary. (/Sarcasm)

Did you perhaps miss the smiley?

Seriously, you aren't going to get the best opportunities from a forum post. The most valuable experience an aspiring designer can get is to meet with a client face to face, listen to and understand their needs, budget, business goals, and translate that into design.... and THEN have the client say to you - "That's not really how we visualized it" and do it all over again.

This involves a bit of work on your part... use some shoe leather and go and visit charitable organizations, churches, clubs in your local area. Talk to them. Find out what they need. Volunteer to do a poster or whatever. Deal with the physical issues, getting quotes, printing, stock, etc. Get the face to face experience that you won't get taking the easy way on the Web.
It's nice of you to offer your help, thebiggoose.

If you want to practice page design, you could invent a new design for the main MacRumors page and see what you can come up with. Just copy text from the current front page to use as content.
I'm designing a portable solar power system at the moment. It's basically a briefcase with a solar panel on the outside, and all associated components on the inside, with room for a laptop. Marketing it is going to be an important aspect; if you want to take a shot at designing a full page ad of the thing it would help me out. Shoot me an email at and I can get you some specs/pics, if you're interested.
I would like you to do all my work for me for the following year... probably about 200+ jobs ranging from 60pg+ publications in 2 and 4 colours, to a whole swathe of marketing materials ranging from flyers to promotional items, including branding and campaigns work.

In the meantime, I shall collect my salary, loaf around the house and have long liquid lunches with friends.

Deal? ;)

You'll be out of business in 3 weeks tops. Wait til your clients see all that lovely comic sans.
Would you like to design my bussiness card?

I am a budding photographer and I need to start doing some mad networking. If you want to help with my bussiness card that would be awesome.
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