Who here, that was going to upgrade to a new imac/mac mini, is now reconsidering due to the overpriced & underperforming hardware specs?
Please also state what you're going to do instead;
- Wait for the next revision
- Get a dell
- ???
Me. Was going to get a mini. Was not planning on upgrading my iMac (just bought the previously mid-range one (2.66) in October and have yet to really tax it, so I see no point).
Instead of a new mini, I may get a used one (if I can find one reasonably priced; most people selling their minis seem to think they've only lost $50 of their value in the last two years).
Barring that, it'll be a Dell.
ya, good luck on the used plan
i still see people on ebay and craigslist selling the ppc minis for $400+ bucks
ridiculous but true
This is the largest world recession since the 1930's and Apple basically took away hardware, raised prices and decided to smack Europe with a giant tax?
I feel like someone just punched me in the jewels and laughed as they did it.
Hello from the USA....
Apple's idea of dealing with the recession is to KEEP and update the Mini as part of its lineup (as well as the White $999 MacBook)...