I think when the rumors of Apple buying Sony started circulating, nobody asked what Sony had that Apple would want. I think the answer is quite simple - the functionality of video game systems like the Xbox 360 and PS3 (downloadable TV/movies, etc). has been THE main barrier to Apple being able to break into the living room in a big way. Even at $99, people just don't see the need to add yet another box to their entertainment center when they can get almost all the same stuff on their video game console. So does a purchase of Sony as a whole make sense? No. But does a purchase of the Playstation division and maybe a stake in their media (music/movies) makes sense - absolutely.
Looking at where we are in the current generation of video game consoles, it's likely that we won't see a new Playstation until at least 2012, giving Apple plenty of time, if they move within the next 6 months or so, to get iOS into a hybrid Playstation/iOS box. This way they would have an iOS front end and all the additional functionality offered by the App store with a kick-ass "traditional" gaming system on the back end.
The one thing that Apple has been able to do that no console maker has been able to do (but all want to do) is have their games available as digital download only. Apple is making a killing with the App store and the stakes would only increase exponentially if they could do that with traditionally more expensive console games.
Looking at where we are in the current generation of video game consoles, it's likely that we won't see a new Playstation until at least 2012, giving Apple plenty of time, if they move within the next 6 months or so, to get iOS into a hybrid Playstation/iOS box. This way they would have an iOS front end and all the additional functionality offered by the App store with a kick-ass "traditional" gaming system on the back end.
The one thing that Apple has been able to do that no console maker has been able to do (but all want to do) is have their games available as digital download only. Apple is making a killing with the App store and the stakes would only increase exponentially if they could do that with traditionally more expensive console games.