Firefox used to be my browser of choice when it was fast, snappy, buzzwords!. Then it slowed down to a crawl and started eating resources and at the same time Safari matured and had better developer tools. Safari is now my go to browser because Firefox bloated, this is likely also why Chrome took off. People wouldn't have switched from Firefox to Chrome if it was not for the formers growing issues that were addressed too late.
Firefox is great for me. More reliable, faster, and easier to navigate than Safari, which I also use on occasion. I am on an older OS so maybe that is part of the reason.
Use Firefox on mac but Safari on ios devices. I like Firefox and the ability to manage resources when I exit (delete some cookies, etc).
Habit. It all started with Netscape on Mac Os 8, I went through all Firefox versions till newest one, always transferring on settings, bookmarks. Meanwhile I tried Camino, iCab, MS Explorer (Mac version), Safari, Opera, Chrome (it was worst of them) etc, I liked none.
I am surprised you didn't jump ship when FF was slow/heavy and Chrome was lightening fast in comparison.
I have used various browsers and over the years Firefox has remained on each desktop whether it was Windows or Apple's MacOS/OSX and at times on Linux machines or vm. Sadly, as some have pointed out it can get rather slow and eat up a lot of memory and it seems it doesn't always release memory when exiting a tab/website page. Today I use three browsers on a MBP and none of them are Firefox. Chrome is for school, Brave for some careful surfing and Safari for generic use. This combination has been working out so far during the last few months and I don't have the issues of beachballs and more that were frequent with Firefox. Sadly, I admit I like Firefox's design and the large amount of useful extensions and add ons as well.
I use Firefox because it’s cross platform. I don’t like how it’s a pain to save a bookmark into a specific folder in my bookmarks on iOS.
Never mentioned that. Chrome always was heavy and made fans crazy even with few tabs.
Firefox has been great since the Quantum update, and their privacy features at least *seem* better than Safari's and certainly Chrome's. As a professional neckbeard, Firefox tends to play nicer with weirdo admin portals than the others do, but ymmv (conflicting hot take: it kinda doesn't matter; they're all browsers and they work with 1password and have extensions and sync bookmarks and let you view the internet idfk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) .
Chrome, Brave, and Microsoft Edge also works cross platform