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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 5, 2018
My iPhone "favorites" contacts are rearranging on their own.

This is recent in the last few months...
(I have an iPhone 8, iOS 12.1)

In the main iPhone phone app... my favorites are rearranging on their own.

I have removed them all, and readied them all. I have also rearranged them myself int the order I want them to be. But after I leave the app and come back, they have all rearranged themselves into different random orders every time.

I thought it might be something with iCloud, but no matter what methods I try, I cannot figure out a way to keep them in the order I choose. (Also, I am pretty sure this was happening before iOS 12..)

Anyone else have this issue?
Thank you.


macrumors member
Aug 30, 2008
Got the same issue with my 7+ running 12.1

I’m using the widget with 4 contacts and wanted to rearrange them. It didn’t work as intended - after rearranging they swapped back to the original position.
Eventually managed it by deleting all favorites and adding them again in the new order. Very annoying!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 5, 2018
Got the same issue with my 7+ running 12.1

I’m using the widget with 4 contacts and wanted to rearrange them. It didn’t work as intended - after rearranging they swapped back to the original position.
Eventually managed it by deleting all favorites and adding them again in the new order. Very annoying!

Thanks Draa. Yeah, no matter how I add them, or how I arrange them, or how careful I am to do anything in a certain way... The phone rearranges them into some random order. It is almost like my phone is alive, and it has a very weird and unknown preference for how IT likes them to be arranged. And it's not always the same order. It's as if the phone waited 10 seconds, and then hits some kind of "randomize" button on my favorites. :(
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