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You can be self taught all you want. Most large companies/businesses won't hire you on without an educational backing.

I was turned down by many organizations, across all walks of life until I earned my diploma. And here in my province, I have given up on freelance work because there is barely any to be found. What little did come my way was usually from someone wanting something out of my spectrum (I.E wanting to develop mobile games and the next Facebook), or they didn't see the service I provided as worthy of payment. I like many of us in the industry have all come across the dreaded "But you'll be paid in exposure" or "But this is done on a computer like a hobby, why should I pay you for something I could probably do" clients.
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Yet they'll hire programmers like Anna Spysz out of three month online bootcamps lol and an internship? I dont want to work for a big company anyway. I’d rather get into the gaming industry and work with retro or indy games or work for a magazine like retro gamer. Plus you can get certificates and just show them to big companies if thats what you want to do even LinkedIn and Adobe have certificates.
In my case since my major was similar or journalism I could always lie and say my minor was graphic design anyway.
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I could always lie and say my minor was graphic design anyway.
Be careful with that, lying about your credentials would be grounds to getting fired from many companies.
Just wanted to add: there's nothing wrong with being self-taught. Just don't fall into the trap of thinking that you're the best there is and there's nothing else for you to learn. There's ALWAYS more you can learn & improve about yourself.
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I domt have a record they can trace anymor. I have a new name and a new wociwls ecurity or id wince being deported back and being feported to a eu country. they take the old usa socials ecurity and id away and you start with a new die tity. they cant use it against you anyway since it happened in a diff country.
plus unless you were ever wanted by interpol the figmerprint and everything only stays federal or within one country jurisdiction.
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Yet they'll hire programmers like Anna Spysz out of three month online bootcamps lol and an internship? I dont want to work for a big company anyway. I’d rather get into the gaming industry and work with retro or indy games or work for a magazine like retro gamer. Plus you can get certificates and just show them to big companies if thats what you want to do even LinkedIn and Adobe have certificates.
In my case since my major was similar or journalism I could always lie and say my minor was graphic design anyway.

She's got demonstrated talent and her online resume is both long and impressive. She also has a tech background. In addition, she's incredibly skilled at her job.

In other words, her credentials speak for themselves. She also didn't waste her time whining on MacRumors about not having a job.
wrong. she has the exact same baxkground as me. quit making **** up. and resumes wrent supposed to be long. they should be one page maybe two max. and thirdly she is a fwiled writer who only co wrote one book and was ane ditor for a crappy publication that didnt even want to pay me before publishing a story and changed thee vents or words within it. so she faield wt one thing thwt is the only reason she changed her careers in her 30s because people dont jsut do that if they are not failures in the. or for no reason out of the blue.

Also, I dont whine about not having a job. I like it actually. I just wish I could make more money freelancing or working from home instead of relying on my family (she relied on dudes or dicks hence why she betrayed poland and married an american probably just for money) and would rather do it via design thanw riting anything as thats boring.

and why she is a trwitor to her heritage and doesnt acknowledge it anymore or acts like she is better than us or the pollacks.

just read her wrticle sor bs twitter how she doesnt acknowledge being an immigrant and calls her aprents this. thats a traitor.

and show me an example of me whining about anything. its you who is whining in all the threads i make. i dont whine. Basically youre wrong on every single one of your points. There is not a single one youre right in.

lol prove me anything i just said isw rong. prove me how does her journalism or music degrees have to do with having a background aboutt ech? I also wrote artifles aboutt ech do I have a background int ech too now lol? what a dumb statement like everything else you wrote.
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May I ask a favor? I love reading what you have to say, but all your spelling mistakes make it really hard to read what you say. Are you writing English on a Polish keyboard on your iPad? If so, you can add an English keyboard by going to the Settings app, pressing General, pressing Keyboard, then Keyboards, and then "Add new keyboards…" That would make reading your comments a lot easier, and less likely I'll misinterpret what you say. Thanks.
quit making **** up.

You're not one to talk when you wrote this less than a day ago:

I could always lie and say my minor was graphic design anyway.
its just typos. sometiems the keyboard switches on you from one language to the other or doesnt do it when you expect it to you it just gives typos.
its just typos. sometiems the keyboard switches on you from one language to the other or doesnt do it when you expect it to you it just gives typos.
Okay, but you should proofread & correct more. Some of your posts are almost totally incomprehensible. Doing so will also help you land you better jobs. Especially for a journalism major, all these typos look extremely unprofessional. I apologize if I come off rude saying that, but I only mean it as constructive criticism. And like I said, I do enjoy reading what you have to say. I might disagree with you, but that's okay. I do like a lively debate (especially the logic of things), and exchanging of ideas.
I domt really care though. the truth is I reslly domt care about typos on an online forum. if someone is tslking **** to me im not gonna care how professionwl my response to them is. nor would i in any aspect really of my life. im real thats how i am not professional or any corporwte fske crap.
I domt really care though. the truth is I reslly domt care about typos on an online forum. if someone is tslking **** to me im not gonna care how professionwl my response to them is. nor would i in any aspect really of my life. im real thats how i am not professional or any corporwte fske crap.
I just wish I could make more money freelancing or working from home

Your not caring might (and probably will) hinder your efforts in finding better money. Yes, some people have hit the big time and gotten a lot of money and fame by being "real," but the chances are 1 in the millions, if not billions. You're more than welcome to do what you want, but be aware of how your actions may help or hinder your goals.
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So you're willing to not only lie about your non-existent, educational minor, but you're now also stating that you have a new name and what not to hide your criminal past?

You're so daft it's bloody magical. In fact, the level of daft you are is so magical you will be getting your letter from Hogwarts any day now.
To be fair, though, it might be fun to see you create a Youtube channel where you show off your art work, maybe show how you create your work, give commentary on other artwork. If you do this, see if you can create a Patreon account so people can finance you. I might not be the biggest fan of your work, but it would be fun to see you succeed. Best of luck.
You're so daft it's bloody magical. In fact, the level of daft you are is so magical you will be getting your letter from Hogwarts any day now.
Definitely comes off as a Slytherin
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well ask yourselfes this. I have been to numerous countries with my new name and europewn id card since being back including mesico and never not once had anyone even question me or it come up in any country even uk thst is tird to the u.s. ask yourselves why and why would i be stupid revealing it to people thst will never know or why would i care to? plus Polish companies do not ask for thsts tuff they just hire you off linkedin and no one cares and I do not want to work in corporations or around fakes in white hats anyway like anna spysz and her fake lame wannabe american when shes polish lifestyle.
even during the deportsrion process when the marsshalls took me ask yourself why no one even to their surprised waited wt the gate sor itnerrogsted me like your amerikkka likes to do to people. people slip through the cracks all the time even in usa read about the history of edgar allen davis how he did it numeorus times in california of wll places before they had those laws you so love.
and why would I want to be ordered around or told what to do or be some lackey when I can create something myself. Like Artistic CounterCulture that can do everything fireart studio can and more? watch the movie inception about the legacy guy who like me had a dream to create a legacy for himself and his future or his name not what his dad did.
and why would I want to be ordered around or told what to do or be some lackey when I can create something myself
You made a thread (a now locked thread), were in you argued with many of us about applying for a job with a game development company. This quoted statement contradicts that thread.
Like Artistic CounterCulture that can do everything fireart studio can and more?
I have attempted to look at your website. I have looked at their website. There is a titanic sized difference between a full crew of educated artists and developers versus you, an un-educated freelancer, with delusional perceptions and the unwillingness to accept criticism.
people slip through the cracks all the time
Yeah, they do.. but many of those folks don't post on a public web forum about it.
plus Polish companies do not ask for thsts tuff they just hire you off linkedin
Alright. I'm making a mental note to go after every design job in Poland, just to spite you and the rest of Slytherin House.
@Szczelec33 :

When I left the educational system in the early 1980s I had virtually no qualifications to my name.

I was somewhat OK with computer programming in Basic and was able to earn a few quid here and there doing side jobs.

My first real job paid an absolute pittance when I started and worked the same company for 9 years - quite often 16-20 hour days (including weekends).

There was no internet then, I self taught myself everything. It was very very painful. I made a huge number of mistakes in that time, and there was no end of people willing to tell me about my mistakes, then remind me again and again later.

Now, 30 years on I look back at a career that has seen me travel the world, and even spend time as a military contractor.

I've also had major health problems to deal with and the death of two girlfriends in that time.

None of that career would have been possible if I'd just sat there at whined about how unfair life is.

Newsflash: life is very very unfair. It's also bloody hard. I've seen people far less worthy than me rake in the big bucks and get away with being dishonest.

I still pushed through; despite everything.

You get out of life what you put in. If you spend your life moaning about how unfair it is that other people get breaks, then yes, that'll destroy you.

You've asked for opinions on your artwork here multiple times. That opinion was not welcomed by you, which is fine.

However what you do with that is what will define you as you continue.

Be a winner. Take on a positive attitude and win. Continue in this current state and you'll probably get nowhere real fast.
I am thinking of taking this guy’sa dvice as Procreate js one of the main apps or tools I use for my work:
“You made a thread (a now locked thread), were in you argued with many of us about applying for a job with a game development company. This quoted statement contradicts that thread.”

wong there guy. I said an indy game co pany an indy or small time company many of which work with pople worldwide on remote teams. look up the about us section on moon studios or the ones ho made the ori games. thats da life right there.
I would never ork for a company like you rid in fact I had a very hard time even working 8 hour days hence hy I have to freelance or work remotly. Ic ant sit still for long periods, due to massive adhd and in enclosed offices I feel claustrophobic plus have to move aorund. thats hy I am the iPad journalist and multimdia fuy and graphic designer. I have to cosntantly be moving. Being stuck in one place too long just gets to my head and I start panicking. Plus, it just wouldnt be worth it to me. no ammount of money o company would. I need to hav a life and do things besides work or even design which I love.
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I would never ork for a company like you rid in fact I had a very hard time even working 8 hour days hence hy I have to freelance or work remotly. Ic ant sit still for long periods, due to massive adhd and in enclosed offices I feel claustrophobic plus have to move aorund. thats hy I am the iPad journalist and multimdia fuy and graphic designer. I have to cosntantly be moving. Being stuck in one place too long just gets to my head and I start panicking. Plus, it just wouldnt be worth it to me. no ammount of money o company would. I need to hav a life and do things besides work or even design which I love.
Not sure if something like this might help you:
wong there guy. I said an indy game co pany an indy or small time company many of which work with pople worldwide on remote teams. look up the about us section on moon studios or the ones ho made the ori games. thats da life right there.
Even small development studios have... studios, that you'd have to go to in order to do your job. I am not saying that studios who allow developers and artists to work from home/remotely do not exist, but they certainly aren't common. Even if you found one that allowed you to work from home, they'd still probably expect something from you every few hours per working day and it'd have to be up to their standard using their guidelines that they have put in place.
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I need to hav a life and do things besides work or even design which I love.

You can't have both I'm afraid. It's a dog eat dog world out there. There's a plethora of very good graphic artists out they're willing to work long hours for peanuts.

Why on Earth would a business want to hire someone like you over them?
wong there guy. I said an indy game co pany an indy or small time company many of which work with pople worldwide on remote teams. look up the about us section on moon studios or the ones ho made the ori games. thats da life right there.

This is Moon Studio's statement on remote working:

Our team members are spread throughout the world, allowing Moon to work with the best and most talented people in the games industry.

Let's be honest here. Comparing your current work to the stuff they have produced.... There's just no comparison what so ever....

This is a still from their latest game:

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