I'm really into the 20" (I do got the money for the 24" but I really don't "want" anything that big and I would rather spend the extra money on something else)
I like TN display's (if I would buy a Pc I would for sure buy a TN display, Just because it's what is sold to us consumers today to a reasonable price - I got a TN display at the moment as well and couldn't be happier.
With that said - I love everything about the 20" model of iMac - So why don't a buy one?
Well, why would I?
-Temperature (This is very controllable on a PC - to buy silent but good cooling fans) - I know that the iMac gets very warm - which isn't really a problem right now, the components can handle the heat for sure - The thing is ->If the components runs hot all the time -> It loose it's capacity faster, I'm sure the imac will run sloower within a year (great? no..).
-Many defective units /The ones I know which have bought "any mac" have had many problems with this, overheated motherboards, camera's not working, screens on imacs which gives noises, macbooks which gets broken chassi's without reason. (Apple does no longer deliver quiality, I guess they did in the old days as my of my friends got old mac that still are working great, it's the new ones that kinda sucks :S)
Brightness - The new 20" iMac screen has a veeery bright screen(even when lowering the brightness on the keyboard), and though there's many programs for this on the mac no program seems to handle this very good (what I've read). On a normal Hp/LG display I can just change this on a simple button on the screen -> To lower the brightness MUCH is very important for me.
Sooo, this is my concerns about buying a MAC instead of a PC, I'm not really into gaming (just plays some network games with friends) So i don't really want a PC -> But i REALLY need a new computer..
So what do you guys think?, is a MAC worth buying even though it has so many problems? (that I never has experienced on a PC).