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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 2, 2003
Izmir, Turkey
This is something that I just realized.. I cant copy music files from iPod to my itunes music library... is it an option that I cant see, or does it just dont let us do it for some spesific reason???

I copied my files using the search option of XP but it takes much more time than draging and droping to Library...

anyone having an idea???
it's a weak attempt at digital copyrights management

there're a number of tools that'll get around it. of course, i can't advocate that you do this to circumvent copyright laws.
what copyright... so this will stop people sharing music, huh???...

come on.. there should be something else..

maybe a bug? huh?
I just posted a reply to a similar question before, but here's the lowdown.

There are utilites, like Pod Manager, that can do this. iTunes is setup this way so you can't sync with your Mac then go and copy over to another computer.
but this is so silly.. I mean, as much as they try to limit us, we are going to do more.. at least I'll do!

all I tried to do was copying my music files from my 12"PB to my PC, so I can listen them with my 6.1.. and I dont have a ethernet cable.. damn it!
As annoying as it may be, Apple need to be seen to be trying to prevent piracy to some extent. Its basically to stop you uploading songs from all your mates to your iPod and then copying them to your Mac.

I don't condone it in any way shape or form, but there are several work arounds out there. Ranting on here about disagreeing with copyright and how you are going to do it anyway will not get you any further ahead, you will just get people's back's up and cause arguments.

Go and do what you want, but do it quietly!

if you erased your ipod then put your library in as data IE as a firewire disk instead of through iTunes. then you could do what you ask. But if you upload stuff through itunes it is designed to not let you transfer
Now please someone tell me if I can disable automatic update without connecting my iPod or losing its content if my iTunes library is empty.
apple no doubt had to do a lot of things to prove that they're committed to the end of digital piracy before the record labels would sign on for iTMS...

i'm surprised that you're surprised by this. the iPod is meant to be a portable copy of data on your computer. not a place to keep your songs in the meantime, or to copy them around... think about it, with as many people carrying iPods as there are, all they'd need is a firewire cable and their entire music library has been duplicated elsewhere. Hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of music. Again, you're surprised?

yes, an attempt to protect music piracy. the ipod says (the sticker on new ipod) as well "don't pirate music" or something like that.

ipod viewer is one of the programs that do what you want. from versiontracker, freeware. just don't pirate music.
I am just trying to move the music I had in on my IPOD using Music Match to Itunes. The problem is my files of music are mesy and duplicative while my music library on MusicMatch/Ipod is cleaned up. I have made ITunes the program that controls my Ipod and it will erase what is on my Ipod. NowI will have to spend hours cleaning up my files before importing them into ITunes unless I am missing something.

I cannot use the Pod Manager because I am running a PC. Does anyone know of a comparable Windows utility?
Necessary? Not!

It may have been a necessary feature from one perspective, but it's poorly thought out at best.

Suppose your Mac had to be flattened and then the OS reinstalled -- after a failed 10.3.2 update, say? Poof! Your entire iTunes library is gone. But wait: most of it is on your handy iPod! Gods be praised!

Well, no; hold the hosannas.

Pod Manager, here I come. Apple really ought to consider addressing this issue at some point. To disable such a basic item of functionality is . . . most un-Apple, it seems to me.
Well, considering they have to balance it out with copyright infringement issues, I think they are doing the best they can.

What system would you propose for them to only allow copying tunes back onto the original system?
Original System Copies

I'm not sure of the project spec, so how can I answer that?

1) Is it a requirement that files be allowed to be copied to only one system?

2) If the answer is yes, why? (Okay, I'm being a bit difficult. ;)

3) There is already the concept of the "Home" computer built into the system. That seems one possible avenue for them to investigate.

For myself, I've already decided to pursue a third-party workaround. I simply dislike being forced to do that in a system which is specifically designed to be user-friendly (and which succeeds, 95% of the time or better).
Yes, you are being difficult. ;)

1 & 2) Per copyright restrictions, yes.

If you wipe your system, how does the iPod know that it's the "home" system? How about if you buy a Mac and sell the old one w/out backing things up?

If you tie it to the serial number of a machine it would work for an OS replacement, but not hardware.

Should it be password protected, leaving it up to an honor system?
In the final analysis, _all_ of these copy protection schemes boil down to an "honor system". They can make it difficult to transfer the files to another user, but they cannot really prevent it. How much functionality and, frankly, common sense are they willing to sacrifice in order to make the RIAA honchos feel good?

BTW, I should have been more specific in my second question earlier. What I should have asked was: did the RIAA or some other group specifically demand this "feature", or did someone in Apple's marketing division simply decide it was a Good Idea? In my experience, marketing weasels can convince themselves all sorts of odd things are absolutely, positively life-or-death essential, all on their own.

I only *look* like an occasionally disgruntled engineer. And I don't even wear a tie, much less one that curls up at the end.

In any event, I've no interest at all in sharing my music illegally. All I want to do is to restore my lost iTunes library! :)
And there are 3rd party apps that do this.

You get the functionality you want and Apple doesn't get in trouble with the RIAA.

Where's the beef? ;)
Good Question

I never ran into the issue because I don't have my iPod set to automatically transfer changes from iTunes. It's scary though.

1) You can only change the manual/automatic option when the iPod is connected.

2) If it's set for "automatic", and if your iTunes library has been zapped for whatever reason, won't the iPod's library also be wiped clean as soon as you try to connect it?

This sort of thing is why I never choose the "automatic" option on anything. Of course, I also drive a stick shift by preference and still pay my bridge tolls in cash. ;)

BTW -- I got my iTunes library back with Tinker Tool. I want a more elegant solution for the future, however, and so am shopping for a third party iPod management application. Any recommendations, anyone?
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