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baking soda

macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2020
This is so stupid. I really am baffled at Apple's software decisions nowadays.
To try and cut down my night time phone usage, I've enabled Downtime, so that I can restrict apps usage (mainly social media) and make sure I can wind down and get ready for sleep easier than before.
Yeah, all great, until I realized that Safari can't be whitelisted, and FOR EVERY SINGLE PAGE I VISIT during downtime (Google, Apple, news websites, ANTYHING) I always get the popup and I have to ignore the limit and skip. And there seems to be NO WAY around it.
Out of frustration, I've disabled downtime, but only because this feels like the umpteenth half baked feature that Apple has thrown into their declining software.
Seriously, I can't be the only one who is completely disappointed with Apple lately, regarding their software.

If there is a workaround for this (please no "jUsT sToP uSiNg yOuR pHoNe dUrInG dOwNtImE") please do let me know.
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