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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 11, 2009
Chicago suburbs
Why does my iPad chirp every so often during recharge? The intervals seem random. No error messages or warnings on the iPad, as it contunues to charge. The display activates showing a large battery icon with charge percentage, then the display shuts off.

Not an issue, really, except it's at bedside during overnight charge, and wakes me up!
Waking this thread up one last time. No one else has this issue? Otherwise I'll just turn the volume down during charging.
If it's the same chirp sound that the iPad makes when you first plug your cable in to charge... Then there's def a loose connection somewhere. Could even be your iPad. Try changing your cable just for good measures.
Mine doesn't do this - I have seen something similar when the dock cable wasn't seated all the way and so it was starting/stopping charging.

I'd try another cable first....
Ok, thanks guys. I'll double check that the dock cable connection is secure, or swap out to a different cable if that doesn't work.
If you mute the iPad it doesn't chirp when you plug it in.

Does indeed sound like a dodgy connection. You could just pop into the store you got it from, I'm sure they'd replace the cable.
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