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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 30, 2008
Do you pursue photography as a career, hobby, or what? What's your inspiration, your motivation?

Well, I can tell you that I'm not like most photographers. As I love to express myself through a photograph that's not my main reason for loving this as much as I do.

My dad has always thought that I would never be good at photography. He left June 28th and I've made it a strong point to get out there but to not only prove him wrong but to prove me right.

I really love learning about other peoples inspiration and motivation. So, tell me yours!


Jan 30, 2006
What bashveank said is one thing that keeps me motivated. But my initial motivation to get into photography I think was my dad, he had a Nikon F3 and several lenses. And I always liked the idea of buying a SLR.

After buying it, the most that I enjoy of photography is the way I see things now. Hardly it passes one day in which I don't think of how could I take a photo of what's around me.

It also gives me a sense of peace. Whenever I go out to take photos, is as I wasn't even alone. I can be an entire day out taking photos and I won't get bored. My friends think I'm nuts because of this.:)


macrumors regular
Jul 4, 2004
I love looking at the world, especially details, in a way that hasn't been seen before, or in ways that the human eye is not able to see for itself.


macrumors 68020
Feb 18, 2003
Since I'm not much of an 'artsy' photographer ...yet... most of my shots are what maybe considered 'touristy', but I like those shots that highlight the wonder of the world, and allows the viewer to share the moment.

I recently did some guerrilla shooting at a wedding with a 50mm 1.8f lens, I just basically let the paid wedding photog do her thing and took shots from out of the way locations and kept my flash off. I've noticed the most engaging pictures I took were the ones that captured those brief moments in between setups and where people were being themselves. I just hope some are good enough to be printed!


Nov 26, 2007
Because it open doors.

From a stage next to big DJ's with 10000 people facing, to some of the biggest fashion shows in the world, to weird situations with people that scared me ...

I'm an adrenaline junkie and suck at sports, so I choose photography ;-)


macrumors 68040
Jul 25, 2006
paradise beach FL
I got tired of people saying that Florida never gets any waves... so bought a
5Mp Kodak back before hurricane season 2004. Set out to document some of
the best waves I've ever ridden and fell in love with the art in time. Now
my primary motivation has become the good feeling I get sharing people's
surf photos with them, made a lot of friends and a little money...:D


macrumors newbie
Feb 9, 2008
Van Diemen's Land
I love it because if you take it seriously, it teaches your brain to see the world in exciting new ways, rather than just letting your eyes skim over stuff.

By showing your work to others, and listening to their responses, you begin to learn whats unique about your own visual perception; your style!

its a journey that just gets more interesting every day



macrumors 601
Jun 13, 2007
Experimentation, a camera is a camera, and while on it's own it can shoot gorgeous pictures, there's so much more that can be done with some intervention of human imagination.


macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2008
Experimentation, a camera is a camera, and while on it's own it can shoot gorgeous pictures, there's so much more that can be done with some intervention of human imagination.
I totally agree with you. A camera with some human help can transform something ordinary into something genuinely interesting and make the viewer rethink their initial observations. Sometimes, it seems that an artist's job is to make the viewer think! :p


macrumors member
May 15, 2008
What a great post topic!

I have been a hobbyist for about a year now. I started to take pictures purely for memories, but the realization that you can add style to a photograph to enhance the memory sucked me in. Now I'm at the point where I can go out to shoot JUST to shoot, to learn, and to try to create an aesthetic. It is incredibly liberating from the daily grind.


macrumors 6502
Jan 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
I can't draw a straight line let alone art BUT the camera lets me do what I can do.
I understand composition
I understand and enjoy the technical aspects
I enjoy making the camera work for me with shutter speed and aperture
I like the results that I can produce with any camera (compact, pinhole, view, 35mm, etc.)
I like the memories I have because of the camera
I like that it used to cost me $100 for dinner and a movie to get a girl to take her clothes off and now they pay me to photograph them doing it


macrumors regular
Jun 13, 2008
no secret rely

I joined a camera club to meet people and develop a social group . It was a way to learn something new and keep my brain working . I wanted to learn pscs and develop ideas for paintings . Photography is a means to get these things and the new friends are nice people .


Jan 18, 2005
I like landscape photography because they're a major inspiration to me when I'm stuck at work and trying to think up ideas.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
I've got these visions and stories in my head, and there are so many ways in which to get them out to people (those that want to seem them anyway), and photography is just one of many different mediums.

It's not better at telling a story, or worse. Just a different way, a different form. Anyone that truly puts one medium of story telling over another has to take a step back and look at them all, the best of them all, and understand that they are all ways to tell stories and communicate.

Film, Photography, Videography, Journalism, Graphic design. My top choices for story telling.


macrumors 6502
Jan 22, 2008
I like photography because it teaches you to see and appreciate light in a different way than non-photography people do.

In the same way that
surfing gives you a better appreciation of the ocean and waves
playing an instrument makes you think about music differently
cooking helps you understand food better

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