Ok, here's what happened:
1. I have a jailbroken iphone3G on the 2.2.1 firmware (i think)
2. The jailbreaking process went fine and my phone has been great ever since.
3. I was talking to someone last night, and I got the "10% battery remaining" notification. I ignored it and kept talking.
4. Eventually, my phone just shut off, ending the call. I plugged it into the wall and waited an hour or two, but it still showed the "dead battery" icon where the battery is mostly empty with a little red at the very bottom of it, and it shows a little lightening bolt icon underneath the battery icon. I left it on the charge overnight.
5. I woke up in the morning and my phone still had the "dead battery" icon with the little lightening bolt icon and barely any "red" in the battery at all, just like last night. It's as if it didn't even charge at all. Still won't turn on.
I have tried several things, such has holding both buttons down, toggling the silence switch, pressing both buttons again, etc. etc. I have tried everything I could find, but nothing is allowing me to turn the phone on. It still just shows that battery icon with a little red at the bottom and that's all it will show.
I would find it VERY hard to believe that my batter just happened to fail last night. I mean, it's possible yes, but I think the odds are greater that the battery is fine, but something else is wrong. Now, I was able to get it into recovery mode with itunes, but I really don't want to restore it if I don't have to, as I don't want to lose all my modifications on the phone.
Which brings me to a question, is restoring the best thing to do? If so, should I restore from the firmware that I initially downloaded when jailbreaking my phone, or should I restore from a backup made of my jailbroken phone? (Assuming that restoring is the best option)
1. I have a jailbroken iphone3G on the 2.2.1 firmware (i think)
2. The jailbreaking process went fine and my phone has been great ever since.
3. I was talking to someone last night, and I got the "10% battery remaining" notification. I ignored it and kept talking.
4. Eventually, my phone just shut off, ending the call. I plugged it into the wall and waited an hour or two, but it still showed the "dead battery" icon where the battery is mostly empty with a little red at the very bottom of it, and it shows a little lightening bolt icon underneath the battery icon. I left it on the charge overnight.
5. I woke up in the morning and my phone still had the "dead battery" icon with the little lightening bolt icon and barely any "red" in the battery at all, just like last night. It's as if it didn't even charge at all. Still won't turn on.
I have tried several things, such has holding both buttons down, toggling the silence switch, pressing both buttons again, etc. etc. I have tried everything I could find, but nothing is allowing me to turn the phone on. It still just shows that battery icon with a little red at the bottom and that's all it will show.
I would find it VERY hard to believe that my batter just happened to fail last night. I mean, it's possible yes, but I think the odds are greater that the battery is fine, but something else is wrong. Now, I was able to get it into recovery mode with itunes, but I really don't want to restore it if I don't have to, as I don't want to lose all my modifications on the phone.
Which brings me to a question, is restoring the best thing to do? If so, should I restore from the firmware that I initially downloaded when jailbreaking my phone, or should I restore from a backup made of my jailbroken phone? (Assuming that restoring is the best option)