has anyone else seen this? I don't know if this is normal or not and just noticed it. I've got a 32" monitor and macOS seems to think its a 27" I've tried with a few different scaling options and it doesn't change it. Any one else had this?
It probably goes by the resolution and assumes a size or is going off a database with an incorrect entry for the hardware ID being sent by the monitor.
A monitor's EDID usually contains a timing with a horizontal and vertical image size; for example, for my 21.3" LCD, horizontal size is 422 mm; vertical size is 337 mm. Using the Pythagorean theorem, (sqrt (42.2 ^ 2 + 33.7 ^ 2)) / 2.54 = 21.26 inches, which macOS rounds up to 21.5 inches.
A monitor's EDID usually contains a timing with a horizontal and vertical image size; for example, for my 21.3" LCD, horizontal size is 422 mm; vertical size is 337 mm. Using the Pythagorean theorem, (sqrt (42.2 ^ 2 + 33.7 ^ 2)) / 2.54 = 21.26 inches, which macOS rounds up to 21.5 inches.