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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 8, 2006
My MacBook is set to go to the screensaver after 3minutes and then the display is set to go to sleep after 4 minutes and it is set to ask for a password to wake from sleep or screensaver. Anyway, sometimes I'll walk away from my computer for a long amount of time (maybe an hour or two) and when I come back the screen will be all black so I think it's asleep. However, when I tap the keyboard it goes right back into OSX without asking for a password or anything. Is it suppsoed to be like this or is my OSX messed up? Thanks.
yeah i have firefox and adium open. and yeah it asks for a password when I put it to sleep manually. but the problem is when i dont do it manually. anyone can help or is my OSX messed up?
Assuming you've checked the Energy Saver settings to ensure it will fall asleep, maybe try turning off Adium because that may be keeping it awake. I don't use Adium so I'm not sure if it has that feature though.
I believe that the display goes to sleep before the computer does, if you have that on energy saver. Just go to energy saver, then go to show details. The sleep options are right there. Usually, the display is set to sleep, AKA Go Black, before the actual computer goes to sleep. Change the bar and your set.
Miguey said:
I believe that the display goes to sleep before the computer does, if you have that on energy saver. Just go to energy saver, then go to show details. The sleep options are right there. Usually, the display is set to sleep, AKA Go Black, before the actual computer goes to sleep. Change the bar and your set.

I've tried this and I've tried many other options. I have my energy settings custom set to screensaver at 3min and display sleep after 4minutes. But for whatever reason, everyonce in a while, I'll come back to my computer and tap the computer and it'll go into OSX w/o asking for a password. I know it shouldn;t do this because the screensaver was on first and this requires a password to go back in. So basically I think my OSX is screwed up. or I could be wrong, any help? Thanks.
My MacBook does the same thing, and I don't have any apps open, nor have I installed any that would seem to affect sleep in any way.

I'll be taking it to an Apple Store soon.
EricNau said:
My MacBook does the same thing, and I don't have any apps open, nor have I installed any that would seem to affect sleep in any way.

I'll be taking it to an Apple Store soon.

and I thought I was the only one. Can you keep in touch with me and let me know what happens?
jason2811 said:
and I thought I was the only one. Can you keep in touch with me and let me know what happens?
Sure. I'll do my best to remember (I have a memory like a sieve). I won't be able to make it to an Apple Store too soon though. :(
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