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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 27, 2010
Some south of the equator
I saw at a local retailer the other day, 10% off pcs and laptops so I was quite interested in getting the cheapest iMac only to find that it had a star saying excludes "apple products" . A lot of retailers say this and I was wondering why macs don't have as many sales as any other computer company?:eek:
Apple don't do sales --- sometimes resellers offer discounts, but direct from Apple, it doesnt happen. As for the reason, I'd say a couple;

a. They are a luxury brand (relative) and don't want to dilute their image by selling to the rabble so to speak. You'll also find this with designer clothes, that excess items are often thrown away rather than sold cheaply.

b. They don't have to. Their items sell at full price as it is, so why offer a discount? Leftover items after a refresh can be retained to be distributed as and when is needed for years to come as replacements.

c. Sales are counter-intuitive for many businesses. Apple has a constant flow of income, whereas a sale culture can disrupt that and cause buyers to hold off making purchases until sale time. If sales are never offered, customers cannot anticipate. (I personally also see this as one of the numerous reasons Apple likes to keep their refreshes hush hush).

Apple do sell refurbished items on their online store at a discount, and also some clearance items.
Apple does offer sales through their own store-- online store at least.

A: They offer education discount, which is around 10%, to anybody, in a higher body of education or not.

B: They have refurbished models, which can offer savings up to 20%, at the online store.

C: They have a clearance section for their online store-- which is a sales in its purest form.
Also, there are the Black Friday sales. Last year there was $100 off MPBs on line and at Apple retail stores. Unfortunately, it's only once a year, and you have to fight the crowds at the stores.
Also, there are the Black Friday sales. Last year there was $100 off MPBs on line and at Apple retail stores. Unfortunately, it's only once a year, and you have to fight the crowds at the stores.

The crowds were CRAZY!!!! I was at a store nearby and saw it, there was no way I was waiting for that.
Someone I once knew that was a 3rd party seller of Apple product basically outlined that there is an extremely low per-unit profit margin. I don't see where there's any room for sales unless it's at an apple level.
They do but they are on eBay being sold by reputable dealers. You can get the latests and greatest with any upgrades you want with full warranty on eBay and for less than what you would pay Apple.
Microcenter regularly sells the 13" MBP entry level and the 13" while MB for $200 off at least 3 or 4 times a year.

Apple itself never does sales, but they do at times provide bundled deals, i.e., free printer with a mac.

They're not interested in growing sales at the expense of its profit margin. To a degree that's what got dell and gateway in trouble. They continually cut the prices as consumers expected them to give more and more discounts. Eventually it destroyed any sort of profit margin on anything being sold
In UK, Apple resellers Krcs doing a 6 months no interest deal on mac products, and PC world 'was' doing a 12 months no interest on mac products (I friggen missed it).

But yea, Id love for apple to do discounts or sales, but shame they dont. Even thier finance options are awful.
actually I just checked and Microcenter currently has the 13" MB Pro, the new one, for $999 which is $200 off.

They were running the unibody for $799 a while ago.

I might put my Unibody up on CL...
Most resellers only have very infrequent sales as the profit margins on Apple hardware are very tight, Apple themselves don't because they don't need too.
Many of those "excludes Apple, Bose, and xxx" are because those companies provide ad support - ie they give the company money for advertising their products too, and part of those contracts have a MAP requirement.

Or alternatively if you discount the price, I won't sell directly too you (effectively cutting off a retailers supply).

Google Minimum advertised price (MAP) for more info.
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