19,1 iMac, Monterey 12.0.1 with iOS15.1: If I make an Apple Mail rule in macOS, doesn't that apply to iOS15.1 if they are signed into the same Apple account?
19,1 iMac, Monterey 12.0.1 with iOS15.1: If I make an Apple Mail rule in macOS, doesn't that apply to iOS15.1 if they are signed into the same Apple account?
The filters and rules are part of the email client, and we're talking about different clients on different platforms. Not sure why you'd expect the mail rules to be the same.
Set your rules on your mail provider's site and Bob's your uncle... because they are done on the server... putting them in the client makes them unique to that client... it's really not rocket science, so there's no need to make it complicated.
What is "strange" is using two different mail clients on two different platforms and expecting the rules set on one to just show up on the other.