dont know if anyone else has this happen to them.
I view sites all over the net. From text to flash. My main problem I am finding with my iPod touch (which I use the majority of the time now for browsing) is the total lack of clash support on the iPod touch and iPhone.
I like most of you here have applied the jailbreak to my iPod. This doesn't REALLY do much except allowm customized springboard and iPhone apps.
I still get stuck on sites like which uses FLASH for all its video. In fact most sites now use flash for video however apple does not seem to take Note of this.
So what? Well the "what" is that apple advertised the iPhones web experience as the full web and not a watered down version like most other wap based devices.
Where is that web that I want to visit on my ipod touch?
I dont think that this has much to do with adobe. They java released flash for nearly every platform imaginable. No I think that this rests solely on apples shoulders. Apple closed the iPhone format.
But really, can apple compete with other wifi devices that deliver a real web experience? Time will tell. But
one thing is certain, mobile computing is a platform which has been aroung alot longer than apples touch/phone devices.
Whereas the iPod was the first real answer to mp3 players, they are newcomers in a market full of pocketpc and blackberry.
Just my opinion though
I view sites all over the net. From text to flash. My main problem I am finding with my iPod touch (which I use the majority of the time now for browsing) is the total lack of clash support on the iPod touch and iPhone.
I like most of you here have applied the jailbreak to my iPod. This doesn't REALLY do much except allowm customized springboard and iPhone apps.
I still get stuck on sites like which uses FLASH for all its video. In fact most sites now use flash for video however apple does not seem to take Note of this.
So what? Well the "what" is that apple advertised the iPhones web experience as the full web and not a watered down version like most other wap based devices.
Where is that web that I want to visit on my ipod touch?
I dont think that this has much to do with adobe. They java released flash for nearly every platform imaginable. No I think that this rests solely on apples shoulders. Apple closed the iPhone format.
But really, can apple compete with other wifi devices that deliver a real web experience? Time will tell. But
one thing is certain, mobile computing is a platform which has been aroung alot longer than apples touch/phone devices.
Whereas the iPod was the first real answer to mp3 players, they are newcomers in a market full of pocketpc and blackberry.
Just my opinion though