unless you were out and about and had to by necessity? I get the general sense that new iPad users are surfing on their iPads as opposed to their desktop computers, even at home...???
This must just be new toy glow that hasn't worn off yet. Seriously, on your real computer you have tabs and flash, not to mention tons of extensions one click away on your browser toolbar (Twitter, Gmail and Google reader, among tons of others). On your iPad you have to close out and open a new app for each one. So antiquated.
I'm not flaming as I'm a proud MacBook/iPhone owner and I have interest in the iPad as an app/reader toy.
That said, iPad surfing leaves much to be desired.
This must just be new toy glow that hasn't worn off yet. Seriously, on your real computer you have tabs and flash, not to mention tons of extensions one click away on your browser toolbar (Twitter, Gmail and Google reader, among tons of others). On your iPad you have to close out and open a new app for each one. So antiquated.
I'm not flaming as I'm a proud MacBook/iPhone owner and I have interest in the iPad as an app/reader toy.
That said, iPad surfing leaves much to be desired.