for years I hate safari bookmark editing. it won't alphatize my stuff. why not? windows had a way I believe in a drop down box or what ever. I
I just lost one folder trying to move it manually after renaming it and getting it in alphaetial order.
try to drop and drag or whatever its called. all the bookmarks open ( sowing my many subfolders and sites) and I can't get it there.
It acc. gets dropped while trying to grab it with the cursor and move it.
I have 'lost " many many folders that way. I try to go under "find or SEARCH"but it doent tell me what or where it is.
please help thanks all
I just lost one folder trying to move it manually after renaming it and getting it in alphaetial order.
try to drop and drag or whatever its called. all the bookmarks open ( sowing my many subfolders and sites) and I can't get it there.
It acc. gets dropped while trying to grab it with the cursor and move it.
I have 'lost " many many folders that way. I try to go under "find or SEARCH"but it doent tell me what or where it is.
please help thanks all