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Original poster
Oct 23, 2014
I was given a 4,1 from a friend so I can pillage all the parts out if it and have spares for my personal 5,1. I'm doing all the firmware flashing right now to make all the parts cross-compatible, but I've noticed one obvious difference: This 4,1 (with original platter drives, only 8GB RAM and 2x2.26 CPUs) initializes WAY faster than my 5,1. Meaning, power button to chime to boot screen takes 1/3 of the time.

I'd really like my personal 5,1 to fire up that fast... (And yes I've reset all the PRAMs and SMCs millions of times over my period of ownership)

I think I'll stick my Win10 drive and RX580 in it just to see if it games better too.

How is config in the 5,1?

One of mine is 128GB Ram and two NVME drives, it is slow to boot up, but runs fast once it is started. It boots from one of the NVME drives.

My other 5,1 with just 32GB Ram and a normal Samsung SSD starts very fast. Both run otherwise identical configuration.
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Interesting. My primary 5,1 is 2x3.46 quad cores, 1TB SATA SSD, 24GB 1333mhz RAM, RX580, and it’s a monster once it’s actually going.
I assume it takes about 1/3 less time to test 8GB of RAM as compared to 24GB.

Could be. Though I don't recall there being an increase in boot time when I upgraded from 12GB to 24GB...
Self test the ram takes a lot of time. Booting from nvmes takes more time. Older Systems boot way faster on ssds.

Just did El Cap on a sata ssd directly on southbridge. Machine boots in 20 seconds.

But I dont care for boot speed. Does not make real sense.
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Mac Pro is a workstation class personal computer. All the memory is checked, all PCIe space is scanned and enumerated while in POST - that's why it's so reliable.

If you want it to boot crazy fast, install only one SATA SSD at SATA bay one and 3x2GB UDIMMs, it will boot in 15s to the login screen. Also will be incredibly slow for anything else that really matters.
In a crazy minute I calculated the time between power on and chime to guess the amount of Ram stuffed in the Mac Pro.

I forgot the details but it was alike 1 second is 4 Gigabytes +10. Just guessing…
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