It's not like this in SL I'm pretty sure, but to see my user Library I have to goto terminal and:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE to see it....?? Why?
can someone with SL confirm that you can see the user library folder though?
I don't like this sign. More and more of the OS is being hidden from the user. eventually OSx turns into iOS ;/
most average users dont even know how to do anything beyond opening mail and safari....
from a troubleshooting aspect i dont like this, i modify peoples library files all day long, and having them enable hidden folders is just another painful step, especially if they are complete noobs with computers...
but for the select few people who 'think' they know everything and go in there and mess around i can see why they would do it...
How is having them hold the option key while they click the Go menu painful for them?
because doing 2 things at once is harder than doing 1 thing....
i'll bet that about 80% of the time when i tell someone to open a finder window to look at their files they ask me how to do that, and they have no knowledge of the active application and how the menu bar will change depending on that...
like i said earlier, most people can barely open up safari and mail
Semi-protection is the reason. The root library is already protected as you can't delete anything without authenticating. The next level of protection is hiding it. Making it easy to view again is Apple simple, just an option key. It keeps my dad away from trouble, but also makes it easy for me to help him if I need him to delete a .plist file. I just tell him to hold the option key and go to a menu. Simple.what i dont understand is why the user library, i find that people can do more damage with the root library than user library...
and typically people need to pull more plists from the user library than the root library to begin with
if it were up to me i would hide the root library and show the user library.
Unhide it if it's absence upsets you. It's not rocket science.
Code:chflags nohidden /users/[username]/Library
Love it. Clamoring for the visibility of ~/Library (for some reason), yet has no clue how to make it appear.
Or hold down the Option key while clicking Go from the finder menu. It is to protect users from messing up their system or poking around where they should not, I'm guessing.
If you don't know how to do something as simple as unhide a folder, then you clearly shouldn't be messing with developer previews.
It isn't that illogical to me. There's a lot of commonly used files in the library, namely all your mail stuff (messages, attachments) that any user may want to access, copy, etc.Love it. Clamoring for the visibility of ~/Library (for some reason), yet has no clue how to make it appear.
Code:chflags nohidden /users/[username]/Library
chflags nohidden ~/Library/