I wanted to give Apple Music a shot, but so far it has been an abysmal experience. Please help me navigate through this pain.
- How do you add all of the artists music to a playlist? Drag and drop from the artists view does not work. Selecting all of the songs and right-clicking to add to a playlist only ads just one song. The only way so far that sort of works is adding an album to a library and then dragging and dropping that album to a playlist. One album at a time.
- How do you find playlists in Apple Music made by anyone other than Apple? Search results bring up only Apple curated playlists. Is there no such thing at all on Apple Music?
- I created a smart playlist for Loved songs, but it works with some songs but not others. I can not figure out why that is. I tried creating a new smart playlist, but most of the loved songs would not show up. Adding a song to the library does not help solve the issue.
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