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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2012
Mac Pro SSD sells for 999$ at mac stores, and its 850$ on top of a 1TB hard drive if you want to upgrade it.

my question is, why shall we use mac 's SSD?

is there gonna be a difference if i purchase a SSD from a retail store and install it on my own? this is gonna save me two-three hundred dollars!
Mac Pro SSD sells for 999$ at mac stores, and its 850$ on top of a 1TB hard drive if you want to upgrade it.

my question is, why shall we use mac 's SSD?

is there gonna be a difference if i purchase a SSD from a retail store and install it on my own? this is gonna save me two-three hundred dollars!
Apple doesn't make SSDs and overcharges for them. There's no difference if you buy any 3rd party drive.
any1 know what third party SSD mac pro is using ?
I believe they use various brands and models. Your best bet is to buy one that meets your needs, rather than trying to match what Apple may use. There are many SSD threads here, filled with recommendations and reviews on which are the best models. A quick search of the forum should get you the information you need.
Only caveat with third party is that TRIM won't be enabled.

Because low-level operation of SSDs differs significantly from mechanical hard disks, the typical way in which operating systems handle operations like deletes and formats resulted in unanticipated progressive performance degradation of write operations on SSDs. TRIM enables the SSD to handle garbage collection overhead, which would otherwise significantly slow down future write operations to the involved blocks, in advance.

You'll need to 'hack' the driver via command-line or a tool and verify after every osx update that it's still turned on.
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