I've never used their buyer's guide for any Apple products. I've gotten the most accurate info from YouTube reviews, Googling for articles, and the MR forums themselves. I don't always trust a "tech site" to disclose the most unbiased review.
I've never used their buyer's guide for any Apple products. I've gotten the most accurate info from YouTube reviews, Googling for articles, and the MR forums themselves. I don't always trust a "tech site" to disclose the most unbiased review.
Uhm. Buyers Guide is not about reviews. It's about predicting when products will be updated to be able to recommend when you should buy a product (so that you don't buy a product just before an update.
Let's see, since the iPad has just recently come out in other countries aside from the US, don't think there's going to be a 2nd version coming out until next April.
It really does need to be added. Not because there is trend history that could be used to predict the next update. Because you can't have a trend with only one version. But because it'd be a nice reminder of when the last (first) version was released. That's useful data.
The buyer's guide works on the principal that the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. (Look at me sounding like Dr. Phil) At the moment there is no past behaviour about the iPad, so no predictions could be made.