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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 12, 2007
It's been really bugging me the more we wait (yes I know it's only been 2 weeks but it feels longer) but I wonder what's going on with the delay/lack of pre-ordering for the iPad. Given it's supposed to be released in less than 2 months, you'd think Apple would want to get their numbers in order sooner rather than later. I wonder if its a technical/stock/part issue and/or they aren't sure how many they can produce in time for release.

Now I suppose this may also mean they aren't going to do mail orders for release in order to create the lines and free publicity the iPhone had with the original store release. But as others have mentioned, they would be giving up a lot of initial sales for areas that don't have stores. Plus given the mixed reception the iPad seems to be having, it may be presumptuous to assume that they can create the same level of hype that the iPhone had.

I hope they announce something soon, it will be easier for me to relax once i know one way or another :)
  • Some features and applications are not available in all areas. Application availability and pricing are subject to change.
  • This device has not yet been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.
A Pre-Order falls under those rules.
Cause they have to add the camera, multi-tasking and Flash capabilities to it, along with OSX

Actually, the FCC is probably the reason right now
And some final finishing touches

Woof, Woof - Dawg
They'd be getting everything ready, doing last minute tweaks, trying to fix the price in concrete. All before the preorder, because when you get it it has to be the same thing and price as when you ordered it:D
if you visit and scroll all the was down to the bottom of the page, it reads

"Some features and applications are not available in all areas. Application availability and pricing are subject to change.

This device has not yet been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained."
Whats the minimum tested period for the FCC?

It's got to be around 60 days.

So I imagine they could test the thing the first day and then just sit on it for 60 days.

Who works for the FCC?

Get to them :D
Whats the minimum tested period for the FCC?

It's got to be around 60 days.

So I imagine they could test the thing the first day and then just sit on it for 60 days.

Who works for the FCC?

Get to them :D

FWIW the FCC does not test products; private testing labs do. If Apple used the Telecommunication Certified Body (TCB) process approval typically takes 2-3 weeks from submission IF everything is clean. If more information in needed longer, but I'm sure Apple pretested to ensure a quick response.

Another consideration is production ramp up. Apple will want to build up inventory to have enough on hand before setting an "on sale" date since ramp ups for new products can be unpredictable and slow.

Bottomline though is Apple said it would be available end of March, so bank on it, and stop worrying about pre-orders. There is not going to be a mass shortage. Apple is going to ensure that doesn't happen, and also is going to ship all units to arrive the same day they go on sale in-store.
I do remember that FCC approval comment, but didn't realize it would block any pre-orders. I still think it's a bit odd for Steve Jobs to flat out say 60 days without knowing 100% something as big as FCC approval was already taken care of. I suppose if it didn't happen on his timeline he could just blame someone else and we would all bitch about whoever he blamed.

Yes I'm impatient, I know - but I'd rather be impatient waiting for release with a pre-order already taken care of than be impatient waiting to pre-order :cool:
It's been really bugging me the more we wait (yes I know it's only been 2 weeks but it feels longer) but I wonder what's going on with the delay/lack of pre-ordering for the iPad. Given it's supposed to be released in less than 2 months, you'd think Apple would want to get their numbers in order sooner rather than later. I wonder if its a technical/stock/part issue and/or they aren't sure how many they can produce in time for release.

Now I suppose this may also mean they aren't going to do mail orders for release in order to create the lines and free publicity the iPhone had with the original store release. But as others have mentioned, they would be giving up a lot of initial sales for areas that don't have stores. Plus given the mixed reception the iPad seems to be having, it may be presumptuous to assume that they can create the same level of hype that the iPhone had.

I hope they announce something soon, it will be easier for me to relax once i know one way or another :)

A lot of things can change in 30-60 days. If they decide to change something at last minute at hardware level, they have to get it FCC certified which can take around a month or two. They can't just change something afterward, they'll risk losing the certification and wait another 30-60 days.

One thing for sure, software isn't the delay cause. Apple can always release the hardware first and update the software later.
Saving up spare cash over the next couple of months. So end of March or early April works for me.
Judging by this post I'd say order date is March 14th.

I hate BB. I was there this weekend looking for speaker mounts (didn't have anything worth buying) and was listening to the wonder boy vomiting why someone should buy a Mac. This was the same guy that a few years back told me they wouldn't ever be selling stuff for Mac cause no one uses them. The only person I buy Apple from at BB is Mike the guy who was at CompUsa and has been around pushing Apple forever. It must steam his shorts to watch those morons pitch Apple. I wish my town had an Apple Store.
because the machine they built that shoots a laser at ipod touches, and magically quadruples their size stopped working recently..
It would be interesting if they were actually going to do the opposite of the small hype/line driven iPhone release, and go with a big multi-store (including BB, Target, online, etc) launch instead. With the price point being fairly reasonable, they could generate publicity with big opening day numbers. I would love for once to not have to worry about whether I'm going to be able to find the product at release, or spend the week before watching what Fedex airplanes are leaving from China :p

I know they love their secrets but it's getting a bit old now. You've already announced the product, announced a baseline release date, so why not make it clear how we can plan to purchase the product?
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