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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 9, 2013
I’m just curious why do many of us who made orders for the new Pro’s a day or two later than the preorders have to wait until Nov 19th or later for delivery. When numerous Apple stores have them in stock and people can just walk in and buy them?
Doesn’t it seem a bit unfair that many made orders on October 31st and must wait till almost the end of this month to receive them. Yet any random person can just walk in and buy them.

I made a preorder thinking they would be low on stock and that if I preorder I could get it before others.
Sadly that’s not the case... I would cancel and go grab one, but I am using the Apple loan in Japan and can’t just cancel that so easy, also already got the keyboard in the mail.

So why doesn’t Apple give people who ordered their iPads first since we made the orders first and stop giving them out to people just walking in?

Not ranting, just curious as to why this is and a bit annoyed I have to wait while others get to enjoy theirs.
They always keep stock for walk-ins, any manufacturer with a store outlet will.
Simply because there’s always a percentage of people who don’t pre-order, there’s people who, unlike us, don’t follow tech changes all of the time.

So for people who had no idea there was a new iPad (amazingly they exist) when they walk into the AppleStore to buy a new iPad, the latest version might be available to them. And there’s always the people who like to camp outside the store for a new release.
Makes sense, just wish they thought of those who did know and made preorders.
Many Apple and Best Buy stores have it in stock ready for pickup. You might want to check your area. You can always cancel your order.
Yeah they have them, but I got a loan through the Apple website here in Japan ans canceling is a pain in the ass. Then I’d have to redo it all at the store.
Also just got my keyboard in the mail so not sure I could return that so easily either.

I just have to be patient and hope maybe they ship early.
I ordered from Costco who isn’t shipping until next week but it was $50 cheaper. Yesterday morning at work I bought one for pickup at BestBuy and got them to price match Costco and walked out happy with an iPad at lunchtime.

You can still get them same day and cancel your preorder.
I ordered from Costco who isn’t shipping until next week but it was $50 cheaper. Yesterday morning at work I bought one for pickup at BestBuy and got them to price match Costco and walked out happy with an iPad at lunchtime.

You can still get them same day and cancel your preorder.

Hmmm, you may have gotten lucky with the price match. Best Buy usually doesn’t do that with a Costco. Especially if Costco doesn’t have it in stock.
I believe Apple allocated a specific amount of inventory for online orders and retail stores. Since we were only able to order online for shipping at the time, that’s the inventory everyone is competing for. The inventory for the retail stores was pretty much unclaimed until release day.
I asked myself this question as many non-apple stores said “100+ in stock online - delivery within 2 days” and when i walk into the stores I’m being told they’re not available until earliest next week. I rather wait and hope someone will attempt to sell an unsealed one a bit cheaper online or just wait until it’s available in the stores. I will never buy online again, because every time i order they change the delivery date the next morning and postpone 7-14 days. Not falling for it.
OP...I suggest going to the Apple store in your area and talk to someone there already. It might not be as difficult to cancel and buy locally as you may think. I did an in-store pickup for a 256 that replaced the 64 (brought this one in and returned it at the same time) that my wife ordered by accident. I figured it might be kind of a pain but was surprised at how easy the process went. Took them all of five minutes to complete everything and I was walking out with the 256 I ordered yesterday morning.
I asked myself this question as many non-apple stores said “100+ in stock online - delivery within 2 days” and when i walk into the stores I’m being told they’re not available until earliest next week. I rather wait and hope someone will attempt to sell an unsealed one a bit cheaper online or just wait until it’s available in the stores. I will never buy online again, because every time i order they change the delivery date the next morning and postpone 7-14 days. Not falling for it.

You must be talking about Best Buy....bait and switch tactics. They’ll do anything to get you in the store. At least that’s been our experience many many times with them. I only go there if I have no choice and need something in a hurry...which happens very seldom anymore.
Hmmm, you may have gotten lucky with the price match. Best Buy usually doesn’t do that with a Costco. Especially if Costco doesn’t have it in stock.

I think you're right -- I got lucky. I came in to the in-store pickup line and was very nice, and had a printout that showed Costco price. He had to ask a manager, and came back and asked if I had a Costco membership (I do), and then he did the price adjustment. I figured I'd try, and if they said no, I'd just wait until next week when Costco's ships. :)
The people who usually care about actually getting it on launch day are usually the people who watch the event and immediately preorder. Just saying…;)
I’m gonna go to Apple tomorrow and see what I can do. I’m dying to get my hands on one.
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