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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 18, 2022
I'm frustrated. My daughter's iPhone 11 not on the iPhone 11 list of phones with bad touchscreens still failed and froze months after getting it. They fixed it under warranty and right after warranty expired it did it again and they refuse to fix it. I'm mad and beyond disappointed with apple. I've been an iPhone user since 3rd gen. My wife since iPhone 5 and I now have 5 kids with iPhones and I want to stop buying them over this. It's beyond selfish the way they handle this. Any ideas how I can get them to change their mind? I feel like apple knows they made a poor product and are ducking being responsible l. Please help.
You're surprised that they won't fix a three year old phone for free after they already fixed it out of warranty? My friend, you need to adjust your expectations. I hear what you're saying though as it isn't fair, but realistically, you've gotten as much as you're going to get. They don't care that you've been an iphone user since the 3GS. So have a lot of other people. At this point your choices are to deal with it or write Executive Relations ( and hope they reply.
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Try a different Apple Store maybe? I can sympathise with you and I’d probably take my business elsewhere if I was in the same boat. Apple have always replaced stuff for me outside of the 2 year warranty period and I suppose as long as you are polite when speaking to them, you may have a chance.
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