Range vs. Speed in BlueTooth
In BlueTooth, the range. vs. speed inverse relationship is not so simple. You can specify them a-la-carte.
BlueTooth devices are specified by Version and Class.
Version denotes speed:
Version 1.1 = 768 kbps
Version 2.0 = 3.0 Mbps
Class denotes range:
Class 1 = 200 feet
Class 2 = 66 feet (or something like that)
Don't you hate how the larger number is better for Version, but worse for Class? Why do they do this?
Anyway, you can buy a BlueTooth adapter that's Version 1.1 (slower) but Class 1 (able to exchange data farther).
The most desirable BlueTooth adapters are Version 2, Class 1.
Many, many listings on eBay and elsewhere screw up the description. The title will say "BlueTooth Version 2". But dig down, and you find that they meant Version 1.1, Class 2... or Version 1.1., USB 2.0.
Unfortunately, at this time no one makes a BlueTooth printer adapter that's Version 2. By printer adapter, I mean one that uses the stout, Type B USB connector. A few printers, including some HP inkjets and my Epson PictureMate Deluxe, include a second USB port that's Type A (the long, flat connector found on your Mac or PC). In most cases, then, what this means is that even though your MacBook or MacBook Pro comes with BlueTooth 2.0, you can print at only 25 percent of that speed.