I'm sure Intel/AMD/VMware/Parallels are already working on them.
Intel and AMD has no say or ability to allow windows to run on a completely different platform. In fact, why would they want to do that? I mean what business interest or benefit to AMD does windows running on Apple's CPU?
As for Vmware and Parallels. Yes, Parallels has already stated they are working with Apple to produce a version of parallels that runs on ARM. Their virtualization product. If you want to run windows on ARM a virtualization app isn't going to help you. You need an emulator, and does Parallels have the talent pool and knowledge set of x86 cpus to produce a fully functioning x86 emulator? I kind of doubt it. What is more likely is they'll have an Parallels ready for ARM so you can run native operating system virtually, you know ARM based Linux.
Microsoft does have an ARM version of windows, to my knowledge its for their own Surface products, and to date (AFAIK) its not for sale, so you just can't sell. I think MS will need to customize this version to allow it to work on Apple's AX processors AND make it available for sale. I don't think they'll be doing that.
Intel and AMD make CPUs they will not make windows work on ARM
Parallels and Vmware make virtualization software not emulators, they probably are not going to create an emulator
MS can but probably won't.
Bottom line, if you want windows, buy a PC.