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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 19, 2004
Bankside, London SE1
Hi guys, can anyone help? I've just fitted 1GB of Crucial RAM into my 12" iBook G4. Now I have half the wireless signal from my Netopia router. Are there any known issues? Of have I simply damaged the Airport Card or internal antennas?

Any ideas? Thanks
With some old iBook G4 models you had to remove the AirPort Extreme card to access the RAM. Did you have to do that? If so you might not have attached the Airport antenna properly when putting it together, it needs quite a bit of force to "click" back into place...

If your machine has an internal Airport module than I don't know... :eek:
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
With some old iBook G4 models you had to remove the AirPort Extreme card to access the RAM. Did you have to do that? If so you might not have attached the Airport antenna properly when putting it together, it needs quite a bit of force to "click" back into place...

If your machine has an internal Airport module than I don't know... :eek:
No, I have a card that I had to remove. I will try to force the antenna in more. It looks like it is all the way in though. I'm worried that when I removed the Airport card the 1st time that I somehow dislodged the antenna cables. I read somewhere that there are 2 antennas, 1 either side of the display. Because I've only got half the signal so I'm guessing that I might have accidently disconnected one of the antennas. What do you think?
Nermal said:
What happens if you take the RAM back out?
I haven't tried that yet. I was a gibbering wreck when I replaced it the 1st time :p Hence, the reason I think I made the mistake with the airport antenna. I think I might have pulled it too much when replacing it. I might build up the courage to try to remove it later today
iChief said:
What do you think?
I don't see how you could do that without pulling the antenna cord really hard... and even then I don't see how you could just tear off half the antenna... possible, of course, but for now I still think it's "just" the connection between the antenna wire and the Airport Extreme card. :)
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
I don't see how you could do that without pulling the antenna cord really hard... and even then I don't see how you could just tear off half the antenna... possible, of course, but for now I still think it's "just" the connection between the antenna wire and the Airport Extreme card. :)

Thanks so much Mitthrawnuruodo!!! :D I was using instructions from and they made no mention of a definite click. But after your post I tried the connection between the antenna wire and the card and this time I got the definite click!!! Thanks so much for your help.

I discovered this article related to this issue: But I have 1.25GB of RAM, not 1.5GB. So don't know if it affects me? :confused:

By the way, do you know if you can create a small home network with 2 wireless routers. I have a Netgear one and a Netopia one (I think Netopia is an Irish brand only)
Glad it worked out... :)

I've not seen anything about those alleged problems with the iBooks and 1.5GB RAM (though I've not installed more than 512MB extra in my girlfriend's, so she only has 1GB)...

I have no idea how to make two wireless routers work together**, but you could see if one of them wants to act as a bridge and join the existing network made by the other. This should be a piece of cake to do with two Apple AirPort bases, but could be a hassle with bases from two different manufacturers... I simply don't know the routers and have no idea if they'll talk to each other (even if my guess is they will do so).

**I have to wireless bases in my living room, one AirPort Express and one old AirPort Snow, aka original UFO, but neither distributes IP addresses. That job goes to my Netopia (;)) ADSL modem with built-in router... I only keep the Snow on as backup, so whenever the Express has a hiccup I can switch to the slower network, but still don't have to pull out the wires... :)
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
Glad it worked out... :)
**I have to wireless bases in my living room, one AirPort Express and one old AirPort Snow, aka original UFO, but neither distributes IP addresses. That job goes to my Netopia (;)) ADSL modem with built-in router... I only keep the Snow on as backup, so whenever the Express has a hiccup I can switch to the slower network, but still don't have to pull out the wires... :)
Thanks again Mitthrawnuruodo. I'm not too bothered about creating a network at home now that my iBook is picking up a strong signal again. I was just interested because I have a perfectly good Netgear wireless router sitting in it's box and I was wondering if I could get some use out of it
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