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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
Hi there, I have a collection of lenses building up now in the wide angle department they are as follows:

17mm F4
24mm F2.8
28mm F1.8

I have a spare body and I'm considering making another camera kit and selling it on with a wide angle lense, along with a 50mm F1.4 lense.

I'm wondering if I should keep the 17mm and ditch the other 2, or should I keep the 28mm as well?


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I have a spare body and I'm considering making another camera kit and selling it on with a wide angle lense, along with a 50mm F1.4 lense.

Sell the one(s) you don't use. But how would any of us know which that
would be? But I'm sure you could look and see. The data is recored in the image files. Do a spot check through you last 2,000 or so images look at every 10th one

About selling the spare gear. Don't built up a "kit". Kits are harder to sell and go for less then the sum of the parts. The exception is if you have a "kit" lens, one of those 18-55 zooms. These have almost zero resale value so you may as well bundle it with a body.


Mar 5, 2003
New York City

What brands are the lenses? If some are Nikon/Canon and some are third party, and you like the third party lenses, I would sell the Nikon Canon lenses, as they will fetch a far higher resale value and get you more money. The other poster was right on about not bundling them though. Sell them seperately.
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