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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 9, 2001
State of Denial
For some reason, any widgets in the top-left corner (~ 1" sq., so usually more than just the close/minimize/resize boxes) don't work when clicked on. This goes for ALL non-Classic applications and windows, not just Carbon or Cocoa. This isn't a problem for most windows, but it is a problem for pallets and panels where cmd-w doesn't close it. I've tried repairing permissions, but that did nothing. Anyone have any ideas?

Running 10.3.1, on an iBook 800, 640 MB RAM.
Originally posted by robotrenegade
Are you talking about Konfabulator widgets?

Nope. I mean the standard Apple control widgets and toolbar items. Either way, I found the problem: modifying Exposé to put all the windows in a mini-window for show desktop actually "desensitizes" the screen to clicks in that area, and I'd put it in the upper left corner of the screen, just the place to interfere with closing windows and such. (if placed elsewhere, it could interfere with scrolling or opening files). The solution: `defaults delete; killall Dock` and rebuilding it. Incidentally, as I discovered, the cmnd-shift-4, space screencap (supposed to grab the window or menubar or Dock that the cursor is positioned over) doesn't actually capture the icons in the dock in Panther, just the outline and the arrows. Just a little note there.
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