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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005
How can I make widgets to show on my desktop? Is there any free apps out there that can do the job?
Hold the alt key while dragging from the Dashboards bar and then keep holding it while hiding the Dashboard (f12).
hm...i mean how do i make my widgets appear on my desktop instead of going into dashboard everytime i want to see my widgets. Sorry I'm not sure how to do it. When I'm in dashboard, what do i do?
got this from some site, I think it was, and it works just fine. only annoying thing it that it hovers over all windows instead of the desktop only.

"Want to move a widget to the main window layer? Of course you do. Here's how: go to Terminal and type the command defaults write devmode YES. Still in Terminal, type killall Dock to restart Dashboard (and the Dock). Activate Dashboard (by default, you do that by pressing F12). Find the widget you want to put on the main layer and drag it a bit, but don't let go of the mouse button. While you're still holding the mouse button down, press the Dashboard keystroke again and release it, then release the mouse button. Your widget should now be floating above the Desktop and windows."
Mernak said:
only annoying thing it that it hovers over all windows instead of the desktop only.

The only way to keep widgets on the desktop in other layers (besides floating) is to use our shareware app, Amnesty.
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