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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 30, 2008
My wife has a bog standard iMac 8.1, 3.06 Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB Ram, L2 Cache 6MB. Standard apple HDD.

She has a program called "artlantis". One of the things this app does is take a bunch of still images you've created with the app and then turns it into "movie" that you can then use your mouse to move "through" the pictures though it was a continuous scene, panning left right up down etc.

It takes her "POS" (as I called it), 1 hour and 50 minutes to complete the transformation into this "movie". I said she should upgrade it to reduce the time it takes and she can get the files to clients quicker. Time is money and all that.

To show her just how much better off she'd be getting a more powerful machine, I install the app into my Mac Pro - 4.1, 2.93 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 8GB Ram, L2 cache per core 256 KB.

12 hours and 19 minutes later :eek: it finishes doing the EXACT same file transform.

All my apps and OS are on an SSD (off the second Optical Drive) and the files are being saved to a Software Raid 0 (2x1TB) HDD. this is the only thing I can think of as to why it was so slow.

With something like "handbrake", my machine "wins" hands down, so I can't figure this out.

Any thoughts?
It's not working properly?

Your Mac Pro, even single threaded should at least match, let alone loose to an iMac.

Close all other apps and run just that one, look at the CPU usage?
I will try that and the other half is double checking the way in which the file is supposed to be transformed. I'm hoping it is an issue with spouse communications rather than something else. As Handbrake is faster, I'm tending to think it's the wife...
It sounds to me as if the software is configured differently on the two machines, with yours having all options upped unto the max.

I hope so, as I'm looking to upgrade my 7,1 iMac to a Mac Pro for Aperture use.

is your mac pro running Lion? Artlantis has a message on their web site saying don't upgrade to Lion... there is a bug apparently.

Artlantis does a lot more in 3D than just make movies so my guess is as someone else said that some settings are very different between the two machines. The fact that Handbrake is faster shows your machine is working correctly.
OK, sorry, disregard. Wife had two different settings on each computer. Mine does it in 30 minutes.

No, still on Snow Leopard. Waiting a while for them to sort out issues before upgrading - looks like the artlantis app issue will be one of them for my wife. Cheers for the replies!
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I will try that and the other half is double checking the way in which the file is supposed to be transformed. I'm hoping it is an issue with spouse communications rather than something else. As Handbrake is faster, I'm tending to think it's the wife...

OK, sorry, disregard. Wife had two different settings on each computer. Mine does it in 30 minutes.

Sounds like a defective wife. I suggest a replacement for a newer model. :D :D
Sound like a good idea

I should upgrade my wife too.
New models are coming all the time.
not like the MP..
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