this is my first post in the iPhone section cos this morning I had a friend's iPhone 3G for the 1st time in my hands. I must say that I'm impressed, as usual, by the Apple's design and the global impression.
I was playing around with it and I wanted to connect to my wlan (Airport) but the iPhone could find only one network even if there are around 10 of them in my flat but my wifi wasn't listed. I just antered the essid + wpa2 key manually but still the iPhone couldmt connect.
What's wrong ?
this is my first post in the iPhone section cos this morning I had a friend's iPhone 3G for the 1st time in my hands. I must say that I'm impressed, as usual, by the Apple's design and the global impression.
I was playing around with it and I wanted to connect to my wlan (Airport) but the iPhone could find only one network even if there are around 10 of them in my flat but my wifi wasn't listed. I just antered the essid + wpa2 key manually but still the iPhone couldmt connect.
What's wrong ?