I can definately confirm that the wifi doesn't show the same signals I got before going to 3.0- my router has not moved and I'm actually writing this on my ipodtouch 2g in the exact spot where my 3g doesn't show either of the 2 signals I always get here. But funny enough, if I leave my room and connect to the network, I can come back to this spot and I will remain connected with one bar, I can even go further from the router where I have never picked a signal up and it will stay connected. So it looks like it just doesn't recognize the signal if you're too far, but once the connection is made, then the range is improved. I figured I woulsld use wifinder app to jog the iPhones wifi, but I just found that the app no longer works In 3.0. I for some reason think they made it less sensitive for some reason that would make them more money like forcing data plans because it doesn't make any sense...