Hello Community,
a few days ago I bought an used MacBook Air. Everything's alright so far. After connecting to my Apple AirPort Express I noticed that the Wifi connection is slower than I ever experienced.
The Wifi-module must be working as I can connect and use my browser. To open the Apple website the machine needs like 4-5 minutes.
I didn't do any Speedtest. Or at least I tried to, but the client stopped due to very slow connection.
I want to present what I already tried:
First attempt: Reset cache from Safari, such as deleting the ".plist" files:
com.apple.network.identification.plist (This file is not existing in my case)
I did as told. (Copy old files into a folder in case of backup. Delete Files. Turn on wifi again. Restart.)
I also tried to turn on the Wifi after the restart, if you might propose that.
Second attempt: Create new Wifi-Location with DNS etc. (DNS Servers: and No Changes at all.
Third Attempt: Start in safe mode and retry the steps above
Fourth Attempt: Clear NVRAM from Star-Up using Keyboard Combination: Command, Option, P, R
Fifth Attempt: Turn off Bluetooth -> Definitely increased the speed of the wifi, but still unusable for daily or work uses.
My sixth and last Attempt yesterday as I have to work and keep money flowing
Clean Install OS X Mavericks -> Tried 2 times but installation failed. (Error says, that some files are missing on the bootable USB-Flashdrive)
Before I started the Downgrade to OS X Mavericks, I had a clean reset of OS X El Capitan done. Everything worked perfectly except the wireless internet.
USB-Flashdrive: I create my bootable drives using terminal. I don't think that Discmaker is needed for my purposes as it just saves me the typing.
What I am going to try after my Workday:
1.) Try to switch into 2,4 GHz mode only. I will switch of the 5 GHz frequency. If it works, I will still be disappointed. 5 GHz frequency is more stable in the area I live in. Most Ports for 2,4 GHz are used by neighbors etc.
I will give it a try anyway.
2.) Retry downgrade to Mavericks again.
Information to my downgrade steps: Downloaded OS X Mavericks on my MacBook Pro. As it is listed under purchased in the AppStore and easy to download.
(I will post my results in a comment or in a comment)
My Questions to the Community:
1: Do you know any other possible way to walk this through? I would like to you use El Capitan as its Continuity and Hands-Off tools are used very often. (I'm working on my iPad a lot. But a physical keyboard is more comfortable to type)
2: Is there in option to delete the Wifi-Firmware? ("Software" - I hope I am using it right)
After I deleted it I would like to reinstall it of course.
3: Can I disconnect the network card without disconnecting it physically? (It wouldn't be my first time to open a MacBook, but the first time I open an Air model. Still I would like to keep everything connected.)
I am thankful for every helpful answer! If there are still questions, I will answer them asap.
EDIT: I was thinking that the MacBook had an accident with some fluids or similar. I am pretty sure it is not due to fluid. I once had an MacBook Pro of a friend who dropped his coffee literally into the vent slots at the back. Everything was working fine except is bluetooth. (Not Wifi but Bluetooth)
This can be eliminated. The system report shows full connectivity for wifi such as the bluetooth module. (At my friends MacBook the Bluetooth connector got a short circuit)
sincerely your
a few days ago I bought an used MacBook Air. Everything's alright so far. After connecting to my Apple AirPort Express I noticed that the Wifi connection is slower than I ever experienced.
The Wifi-module must be working as I can connect and use my browser. To open the Apple website the machine needs like 4-5 minutes.
I didn't do any Speedtest. Or at least I tried to, but the client stopped due to very slow connection.
I want to present what I already tried:
First attempt: Reset cache from Safari, such as deleting the ".plist" files:
com.apple.network.identification.plist (This file is not existing in my case)
I did as told. (Copy old files into a folder in case of backup. Delete Files. Turn on wifi again. Restart.)
I also tried to turn on the Wifi after the restart, if you might propose that.
Second attempt: Create new Wifi-Location with DNS etc. (DNS Servers: and No Changes at all.
Third Attempt: Start in safe mode and retry the steps above
Fourth Attempt: Clear NVRAM from Star-Up using Keyboard Combination: Command, Option, P, R
Fifth Attempt: Turn off Bluetooth -> Definitely increased the speed of the wifi, but still unusable for daily or work uses.
My sixth and last Attempt yesterday as I have to work and keep money flowing
Clean Install OS X Mavericks -> Tried 2 times but installation failed. (Error says, that some files are missing on the bootable USB-Flashdrive)
Before I started the Downgrade to OS X Mavericks, I had a clean reset of OS X El Capitan done. Everything worked perfectly except the wireless internet.
USB-Flashdrive: I create my bootable drives using terminal. I don't think that Discmaker is needed for my purposes as it just saves me the typing.
What I am going to try after my Workday:
1.) Try to switch into 2,4 GHz mode only. I will switch of the 5 GHz frequency. If it works, I will still be disappointed. 5 GHz frequency is more stable in the area I live in. Most Ports for 2,4 GHz are used by neighbors etc.
I will give it a try anyway.
2.) Retry downgrade to Mavericks again.
Information to my downgrade steps: Downloaded OS X Mavericks on my MacBook Pro. As it is listed under purchased in the AppStore and easy to download.
(I will post my results in a comment or in a comment)
My Questions to the Community:
1: Do you know any other possible way to walk this through? I would like to you use El Capitan as its Continuity and Hands-Off tools are used very often. (I'm working on my iPad a lot. But a physical keyboard is more comfortable to type)
2: Is there in option to delete the Wifi-Firmware? ("Software" - I hope I am using it right)
After I deleted it I would like to reinstall it of course.
3: Can I disconnect the network card without disconnecting it physically? (It wouldn't be my first time to open a MacBook, but the first time I open an Air model. Still I would like to keep everything connected.)
I am thankful for every helpful answer! If there are still questions, I will answer them asap.
EDIT: I was thinking that the MacBook had an accident with some fluids or similar. I am pretty sure it is not due to fluid. I once had an MacBook Pro of a friend who dropped his coffee literally into the vent slots at the back. Everything was working fine except is bluetooth. (Not Wifi but Bluetooth)
This can be eliminated. The system report shows full connectivity for wifi such as the bluetooth module. (At my friends MacBook the Bluetooth connector got a short circuit)
sincerely your