I have an iMac and a PC. iMac works pretty well and does not lag, it is relatively much faster than my PC. I was thinking that if I use iMac specs on my PC, will I get the same effect and performance as iMac on my PC which works on Windows?
An iMac will outperform a PC of equal specs in both OS X and Vista/XP.
eXan said:An iMac will outperform a PC of equal specs in both OS X and Vista/XP.
And what this claim is based on?
And what this claim is based on?
Because Windows is a faulty OS and slows you system down taking unnecessary resources...all the crap running background(services, antivir etc..) ...and windows platform is still having old legacy grap from the older windows...talk about a bad design![]()
Because Windows is a faulty OS and slows you system down taking unnecessary resources...all the crap running background(services, antivir etc..) ...and windows platform is still having old legacy grap from the older windows...talk about a bad design![]()
Because Windows is a faulty OS and slows you system down taking unnecessary resources...all the crap running background(services, antivir etc..) ...and windows platform is still having old legacy grap from the older windows...talk about a bad design![]()
I was not asking why OS X should run faster than Windows..
I was asking why iMac would be faster if both systems were with the same OSes.
I'm pretty sure its because apple develops the drivers that are used in windows for their hardware.
You mean the Boot Camp Control Panel and keyboard drivers...I'm pretty sure its because apple develops the drivers that are used in windows for their hardware.
i go by the rule of thumb:
every GHZ on a pc is worth 1.5 on a Mac
so if u had a 1GHZ processor on ur mac and a 1GHz on your PC the mac would feel like it was 1.5
Ridiculous claim if you're taking the same PC specs (memory, hard drive, etc.) on XP/Vista at the same time. Both sides use the exact same Intel CPU's.
OSX runs faster than Windows spec for spec because of Steve Job's magical jizz which is included with each and every Apple.
I'm pretty sure its because apple develops the drivers that are used in windows for their hardware.
In essence, a Mac with the same specs as an equivalent PC will run at the same speed.
A 2.4Mhz Core2Duo PC will run just the same as a 2.4Mhz Core2Duo Mac, all thinks being equal.
Motherboard models differ in speed slightly though, so you'll see a 5 - 10% spread if you compare a range of motherboards with the same specs.
Apple's MacPro motherboard (which was what was found to the fastest in a group test at running Windows) was found to be a particularly fast design, but then it should be for that price!
OSX runs faster than Windows spec for spec because of Steve Job's magical jizz which is included with each and every Apple.
Jesus...if you've ever seen the 'too much thermal paste' threads...you know how much extra Steve jizz they put on their portables.
The man must be hung like a horse.
wow this just went way to far
Jesus...if you've ever seen the 'too much thermal paste' threads...you know how much extra Steve jizz they put on their portables.
The man must be hung like a horse.
Ridiculous claim if you're taking the same PC specs (memory, hard drive, etc.) on XP/Vista at the same time. Both sides use the exact same Intel CPU's.