Apple have implemented OpenGL 3.2 in a way that means the software house has to rewrite 10s of thousands of lines of code. This is very difficult when they are developing applications that run on Mac OS X, Windows 7, and in some cases Linux as well.
The AMD GPU pricing makes them quite a likely choice for Apple.
I will be disappointed if Apple do not include professional graphics cards like the NVidia Quadro 4000 as a BTO, rather than as an after purchase accessory, which is currently the case.
If Apple had consumer AMD 7000 series cards with the NVidia Quadro cards as a BTO option then I for one will be delighted.
The weakest part of the Mac Pro offering is the GPU. They need to do 2 things, first offer professional graphics cards to meet the requirements of users doing high end graphics, 3D, and VFX, second they need to make sure that software vendors can use these cards by improving the underlying frameworks in OS X Mountain Lion.
Although Mac OS X Lion has OpenGL 3.2 I can't think of a single 3D application that uses it, they all use OpenGL 2.1. The reason? Apple have implemented OpenGL 3.2 in a way that means the software house has to rewrite 10s of thousands of lines of code. This is very difficult when they are developing applications that run on Mac OS X, Windows 7, and in some cases Linux as well.
nVidia is consuming too much power. Stick with AMD/ATI.
Thats what I'm hoping on, They can offer ATI for those who want them, but i hope they at least give the option.
Again, it's NVidia's option to give. Why is Apple being dragged into this?
If NVidia wants to create a proprietary technology they won't license to competitors, it's kind of their problem, not Apple's.
Won't touch me, I think.
My application is OpenCL, and runs on both vendors' platforms. But, I have an AMD 5870 in my pro, cost about $500.00. I tried my app on a pro at work with a $2000.00 Quadro and got about half the throughput that I do on the 5870.
*Really* looking forward to an Apple-proved 7980!...
7970 or GTX 680, either way both are pretty close if you're not OCD on benchmarks.
Someone at Nvidia is already supplying drivers to run 5xx series cards in existing MP hardware, even if Apple don't front up their cards they will make drivers that will work the next gen eventually I reckon.
Ya but unless you modify the card it doesn't have boot screens or pci 2.0
Which is NVidia's fault. It's not a secret how to do this, NVidia just isn't doing it.
Nvidia has recently (since March) gone out of their way to provide better OSX drivers.
They have enabled us to use GTX5xx cards just by installing their drivers from their website.
My read on this is that IF there is a Mac Pro 6,1 off in the future, there will NOT be any BTO Nvidia options. But that is just a guess and Nvidia does not email me their plans. But it is also possible that there is a Mac GTX680 in the wings and a driver update to support it just around the corner.
If the past is any indicator, they will release Professional level card and drivers at same time.
Anyone and everyone can use a GTX560/570/580 in their Mac Pro right now.
You obviously are uniformed on this subject, it doesn't matter if it's ATI or Nvidia card, many 6000 series ATI cards That are plug and play have this same problem, only official apple approved cards work fully out of the box. You obviously have a bias against nvidia please stay out of this discussion, you have continually added misinformation and it is not helpful or constructive at all.
No. NVidia's card and driver quality has been poor recently. ATI's has been solid.
NVidia is always welcome to supply their own cards like they do on Windows anyway.
It's simply NVidia being lazy.
So, why is ATI "solid" and Nvidia "poor"?